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Have a Superb 2013! We hope it turns out that way....

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
No zombies needed to be blasted after the Mayan Calender ended. Oh goodie.

The world did not end and I look forward to the action 2013 holds.

Some of our friends who have been struggling this last year and those of you who are glad 2012 will soon be done with, we hope that the coming year brings relief, peace, prosperity and love into your lives.

May it be a fantastic year up ahead.

All the best guys!!

Adil Ghiasi

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
As I explained elsewhere (not in this forum), the world ending before John Frum brings Cargo to all who keep Kastom is a logical impossibility, and we all know he's doing that on February 15th.

Still not too sure of the year.

At any rate, you'll all have land rovers and concrete houses before the world ends.