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Heart palpitations from kava


Kava Enthusiast
Has anyone ever had heart palpitations from drinking kava?
I don't thinks so; I do think that I sometimes notice a somewhat increased heart rate, though. I definitely don't notice that it slows my heart rate. I find that normal anxiety is able to induce its usual rapid heartbeat even if I am taking kava.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
I don't thinks so; I do think that I sometimes notice a somewhat increased heart rate, though. I definitely don't notice that it slows my heart rate. I find that normal anxiety is able to induce its usual rapid heartbeat even if I am taking kava.
I find, through measuring it, that kava has no effect on my blood pressure, which is excellent. It does raise my pulse, but not a problem, it will usually go from the usual 60 to 70 -75

When I first started drinking kava if I accidentally drank more than I wanted I would feel something like light fluttering in my chest, not sure what that was, but it went away and never recurred and I learned to listen to the kava tell me when and how much to drink. Basic heuristic: kava should feel good, not bad. If it feels bad something is wrong.


Do all things with love
I've had varieties that have increased my heart rate and BP, measured with a cuff. Not sure if it was the variety itself, timing with my own personal chemistry, or something external like a contaminant. I was leaning towards suspected adrenal issues at the time.

You could try another variety or vendor. Might have better luck with something that leans toward the heavy end of the spectrum.

If you can rule out other factors like nutrition and hydration (were you properly fueled with enough fluids and electrolytes in your system? Slight dehydration/changes in electrolytes can cause palps, kava can easily dehydrate you fast), medications/supplements, set/setting, or other possible influences and the issue continues, you may try a little break from kava and try it another time. Sometimes what isn't working well for us now will have very different effects when the needs of our body change.


Thank God!
When I have more time, I'll look up the reference, but heavy kava feeding to mice was found to strongly increase blood cholesterol and shrink testis weight:eek:
It seems even the best of things come with downsides. If anyone has references to add, that would be helpful.


Kava Enthusiast
I started having heart palpitations from alcohol about 10 years ago, which recurrs whenever I occasionally start drinking alcohol again, but have never had this with kava. I can drink kava every night for years without experiencing palpitations.
But in my reading about palpitations it is fairly common, and can have many causes - stress, coffee, alcohol etc - and my doc told me not to worry about it unless it became uncomfortable, irregular or painful.

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