Kava Curious
I'm wondering if my first experiences with kava are normal...
I've been working through my bag of Mahakea, gradually increasing the dosage, and while I've been feeling more effects, they aren't what I expected. After drinking my last batch of grog, I mostly experienced a heavy headedness that could best be described as feeling like my brain was being filled with clay, after coming off a tilta-whirl while being lightly hungover, wearing new prescription glasses. Not the effect I was really going for...
I've only got about 4-5 tablespoons left of my med. grind Mahakea. I'm thinking of trying the instant Moi next, since it's described as more heady and the kavapedia describes headyness, in part, as "light, clean, whimsical contentment", which is what I'm aiming for. Also it's described as tasting better. I wonder if my issues could be induced by the taste...
Does this sound like a feasible plan? Is the heavy headedness experienced with the Mahakea normal for newbies? I'd appreciate any insights folks may have.
I've been working through my bag of Mahakea, gradually increasing the dosage, and while I've been feeling more effects, they aren't what I expected. After drinking my last batch of grog, I mostly experienced a heavy headedness that could best be described as feeling like my brain was being filled with clay, after coming off a tilta-whirl while being lightly hungover, wearing new prescription glasses. Not the effect I was really going for...
I've only got about 4-5 tablespoons left of my med. grind Mahakea. I'm thinking of trying the instant Moi next, since it's described as more heady and the kavapedia describes headyness, in part, as "light, clean, whimsical contentment", which is what I'm aiming for. Also it's described as tasting better. I wonder if my issues could be induced by the taste...
Does this sound like a feasible plan? Is the heavy headedness experienced with the Mahakea normal for newbies? I'd appreciate any insights folks may have.