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Hello everyone! New here..,first experience.

Greetings to all! I've been lurking a while and finally made a purchase from Rex which arrived yesterday. Here's how it went:

50cl (16.9oz.)water + 3tbs Tongan pride. Kneaded in pantyhose, lukewarm water for 7min:

16:10 25cl down the hatch; pleasant mouth numbness, taste not nearly as bad as expected... Not bad at all, really.

16:45 other 12.5cl down. Pleasant flavor and feeling going down. Feeling anxious... Mostly because I'm hyper alert to feeling something/hoping to...

17:00 other 6.25cl down. Feeling something hard to define..

17:15 remaining 6.25cl. Will wait  a little to see. Feeling a very slight body buzz. No stomach discomfort nor nausea to speak of.

17:55 made another 50cl-3tbs kneaded for 10 min. and drank a third. We'll see. Little change so far.

18:05 much better being somewhere warmer.

18:08 nice sensations near a heat source. Starting to feel more tranquil.

18:12 drank another third. Hopefully will kick it up a notch. I drink a lot of fluids normally, so a liter of water in two hours doesn't discomfort me.

18:30 drinking final third. I definitely felt something when I stood up moments ago. I think I'll make another. 

18:50 made some more. 4.5 tbs & 50cl liquid of which 30cl is 1,5% milk and drank half. 

19:10 Definitely feeling a "drunkenness" difficult to explain. Not dizzy or stumbling. It takes longer for my eyes to focus than normal. Limbs are heavy but coordination seems unaltered. Pleasant. Certainly not "euforic", but I suppose I must "pay my dues" as they say.  Stomach seems fine for now.  That's a plus! Not sure if making more would be a waste. Still have 25cl of this last brew left. 

19:30 Drinking 12.5cl.  Already feeling what might be hunger? Something down there. Don't think it's adverse. I must say, however, that this root is highly diuretic. My little 3 year old is cranky and loud. Definitely not conducive to relaxing. To be expected; she missed her nap.

19:42 6.25cl of this stronger brew down. I probably won't make more for tonight. Feeling it, though. Having no frame of reference for kava , I can only say I like it. I'm affected by cold, though. It doesn't anesthetize the body like alcohol. Nor the mind as far as I can tell. Conversing with people not a problem. I'd say I definitely have more patience.

20.00 Finished final  6.25cl. Done for the evening. Had 2 fruit boxes in the interim and that took care of whatever was happening in the tummy. I'm feeling like a hot shower and some quiet time. If it only gets better with experiences, I'm a believer! I have had an elevated heart rate on and off throughout. Is that normal?  Might be the quantity for a first time. Could also be anxiousness for the same reason. 

21:25 Still feeling pretty good, but also tired. Bedtime soon.  Ate half a piece of pizza. No appetite for much else.

22:08 sleepytime.. Still feeling it.

6:40 woke up at 5.03 (I work early)this morning feeling refreshed. Really surprising. I made some more. 75cl (25cl 1.5% milk + 50cl water brought to warm in microwave) + 6 tbsp kava. 

I have plan as to when I'll drink it. Probably when I clear out this morning rush.

I also have the tudei from Rex. Any comments are welcome!

So it's 9:00 here and I think I'll start drinking a little. I had breakfast at 5:30 and brought some kiwi with me.


Hey welcome and thanks for sharing your experience! Rex is definitely a great supplier.

Other than being a new drinker, the tongan is typically a stimulating kava anyway. I know that when I drank it, my heart rate picked up a bit as well, and wasn't very good for sleep. Something tells me that if you could stomach that tongan pride on your first time, then I'm sure that you'll very much enjoy the tudei! That stuff is potent and relaxing, especially if you're looking for a nice body buzz. I actually just bought another pound of that stuff (smiley: glasses)

Also, about random hunger. I find it's common to feel hungry when I've got a belly full of kava, but beware, depending on how much you eat, your stomach is suddenly absorbing all that kava and it can hit you all at once that way. Once with the tudei I had a belly full of kava and was hardly feeling anything, so I ate a few mango slices and could hardly coordinate my hands making my bed (smiley: laugh) so I just went to sleep on a bundle of sheets (smiley: roll)

Good luck with your future brews, hopefully you find some kava-magic soon, but it's a good sign that you had a noticeable first time experience. Most people report nothing.


kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
Very thorough report, minimad jr. You might try mixing the kava with the water directly and let it soak for about 30 minutes, then strain it into the sock and knead it. That will give the kava some time to absorb water and soften up a bit, it will also make a more potent and stronger-tasting brew, but you will get more sessions out of your kava that way. I've let it soak as long as overnight, if you use only water to soak the kava it doesn't need to be refrigerated even. The first couple weeks I drank kava almost every day to reduce my tolerance. My eyes were red and bothering me yesterday, I think it's allergies or this cold I can't seem to shake, but I'm taking a little break just in case it was the kava.
I drank some Tongan this morning as per my post and some tudei this evening. I felt very little this am(aside from not wanting to sit down)and more or less drowsy with a heavy head now. When I tllt my head to the side I feel a peculiar dizziness. I've had 80cl of water with 6 tbs total of tudei. Should be enough to put down a horse from what I've read, although I'm sure I'll sleep like a baby. Thanks for the advice! I'll let you know when I'm "in" :)

I'm assuming I should just have a couple tbs a day until I get the "necessary" under my belt. I'm seeing a point of diminishing returns and simply wasting my kava.
Alright, here we go again. I took your advise and soaked the Tudei 3hrs. I made 50cl with 3 tbs. I ate lunch at 1 and it's almost four in the afternoon. Still at work, but my closing duties are finished for the day. Time for shell number one. I'll take it slow.. Hopefully I'll feel something!
Ok. After a few more sessions I get it now.

I'll add that it all really depends on the setting and current state of mind in the sense that kava isn't mind altering as much as mind enhancing.. Bula!

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
The more intense crunks I have had I would describe like a hypnotic state somewhere between a strong dose of muscle relaxant and a strong dose of tranquilizer depending on the ratio of kavain (muscle relaxant) to DHM (tranquilizer). Kavain feels to me a bit like cyclobenzaprine (flexeril) like 20-30mg when I was taking it for muscle spasms. DHM feels a bit like a stronger dose of something like Librax or even the way that Ambien makes me feel if I get up in the middle of the night while I'm taking it. It can be mind-altering in a way but it's different from any other ethnobotanicals that I have taken. In terms of natural things, biofeedback relaxation therapy and shamanic drumming have gotten me to a similar state, but kava is more "durable" the state doesn't just evaporate with external stimuli.