I am curious if there is a history of the size of grind used for kava consumption for the last 3000 years, or was it traditionally only fresh made kava?The reason I am asking is recently Bula Kava House has been doing some incredibly fine grinds, so much so that when I just made a batch of borogu the entire batch went through the fijian strainer without any pulp left. This worries me as it would seem this is pretty much the same as the toss and wash method (where people are adding straight kava powder to water and drinking it without straining.) To me that method would have a possible danger as you are consuming too much of the pulp. After one of our members developed an allergy to kava I have been extremely paranoid about this as my allergies are horrible, i'm allergic to most everything. Kava has been a godsend for me and my ailments so I want to make sure I am doing everything possible to drink safely. To me I would like to drink as close as possible to the traditional methods used. I know ideally fresh kava would be the choice, but is there a history of kava grind sizes for kava that they kept in storage? The original grind from Bula for Boroguru was like wood chips, personally I loved that size but I know some prefer the finer grind.
I would love to hear Judd and Adils feedback on this if they have any knowledge of this.
I would love to hear Judd and Adils feedback on this if they have any knowledge of this.