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How is everyones plants doing

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
I just saw the picture. If this is the kava plant that you want to take cuttings from you need to wait, there should be at least 4 or 5 stalks so that when you cut the one stalk for cuttings you will have the others to keep growing and then you will also see new stalks coming out of the base of the plant. Do you see any baby stalks coming out yet? Aloha.



❦ॐ tanuki tamer
It's hard to see in that picture but there are two stalks, one of them is pretty hard. I'll wait. When I take a cutting, do I just cut a whole stalk then?


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
I've been looking into pop-up greenhouses. I wonder if that would be an affordable solution to the freezing issue, and then I wouldn't have to build a permanent (and expensive) structure. After winter passes and my plant is mature enough to propagate, I might try starting one in the ground.

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
I've been looking into pop-up greenhouses. I wonder if that would be an affordable solution to the freezing issue, and then I wouldn't have to build a permanent (and expensive) structure. After winter passes and my plant is mature enough to propagate, I might try starting one in the ground.
I think that it would do good, I know there are people that use a heater of some sort in the green house to help with keeping the temp up. You can get some good ideas for how to heat the greenhouse on YouTube, I used the search term "heat greenhouse"
Also the ground is always better than in a pot, the kava can tell when it is being confined, it likes to spread out. When you take some cuttings you will take one stalk and cut it close to the bottom, each node will become a new kava plant. I will explain in more detail later on how to do that.
Let me know if you have any other questions. Aloha.



Kava Who?
I think, It may be, unaffordable, to heat a green house for Kava. Unless you could use thermal heat. I would love to grow Kava in green houses. I just don't see it having a good profit margin. Much love. Roaddog....

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
I think, It may be, unaffordable, to heat a green house for Kava. Unless you could use thermal heat. I would love to grow Kava in green houses. I just don't see it having a good profit margin. Much love. Roaddog....
I don't know but some of the ideas on YouTube are very cost effective, we are talking candles and other things too. They do this for there garden so it must work well enough for kava too. Aloha.



For some reason for a month now says no file chosen after i pic from camera roll to upload bar justs scroll loads then says no file chosen.

Deleted User01

I'm finished with my third green house that I ordered from Walmart. I will finish the micro-irrigation for it this weekend. The weather is going to to the high 40s in the early hours on Sat. I think so I may put the 2 plants in there first. There are in humongous pots so it will take a wheelbarrow at the minimum. We do have electricity near the Greenhouses and I can put a heat lamp in there. I'm hoping to add another additional sheet of plastic for more insulation. Watering before a cold front helps the plants. Also, don't forget to put some kind of mulch in the pots to protect the roots.

Chris, do Kava Plants and Elephant Ears have the same cold tolerance? That would help me make plans because I was going to put all the tropicals in one green house and maybe they get the heat lamp as needed.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Crap dude, I have been meaning to look into that but just haven't found the time. Try tossing them on here and linking to them if you can: http://imgur.com/

Getting cool here, for me anyway, probably about time to bring it inside. We haven't dipped into the 40s yet though.

Deleted User01

Just finished putting the Kavas in the new greenhouse. Maybe I will take a picture tomorrow before it gets too crowded. The other two small greenhouses are almost full. Oh, and my back aches however my good friend Papa Kea is helping me out with that. :D


Kava Who?
Being that I am an organic farmer, Its just plain wrong, I don't have a plant. But I have yet to get one, as I feel I would not be able to successfully grow it and Harvest it. Although I Grew up on a large tree nursery, and have been into Horticulture, my whole life. I find owning a plant for me, would simply be for novelty reasons. I mean, I live so far north, with such freezing temperatures in the winter, with a very large drop in Humidity. Although, I have considered using my knowledge, to run a small heated green house, with the intent to procreate, or rather clone, from mothers. Get them to root, and sale them on EBay. I'm fairly certain, I could undertake this endeavor.

But to produce on a large scale, Kava for drinking, I don't see happening in this climate. But if one was to have access to natural thermal heat, and was able to heat large green houses. I believe that one could make a possible return on an investment , that would produce proper Nobel Kava, grown in the central 48 states, of the US. Although with even thermal energy, it still would take years, to see a profit. But most every profitable endeavor requires investing, risk, and eventually profit. Much Love. Roaddog....


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
That's something I've thought of roaddog it would be interesting to hear your take on how you would go about it. It's a huge undertaking which is why aside from a few people growing for fun in the Southern US there really is no kava grown here at all.


Kava Who?
That's something I've thought of roaddog it would be interesting to hear your take on how you would go about it. It's a huge undertaking which is why aside from a few people growing for fun in the Southern US there really is no kava grown here at all.
I would say there are a couple ways, this could be done. One way would be to use actual thermal steam, with a 22volt switch, attached to a thermostat. This switch would govern the steam, via metal piping. The steam could be used directly or ran through a boiler type system, using radiators, like the old time, apartments.

Or one could tap a hot spring. pump the hot water into a radiator system, It to would be governed by a 22 volt transformer, attached to a switch that governs the temperature, Via a thermostat. Similar to the other method, but simply using a hot spring.

Or, you pipe in hot water, through a serious, of pipes put into the cement floor. Heating from the ground up. Just a couple quick ideas, I have had. Much Love. Roaddog....


Kava Curious
Being that I am an organic farmer, Its just plain wrong, I don't have a plant. But I have yet to get one, as I feel I would not be able to successfully grow it and Harvest it. Although I Grew up on a large tree nursery, and have been into Horticulture, my whole life. I find owning a plant for me, would simply be for novelty reasons. I mean, I live so far north, with such freezing temperatures in the winter, with a very large drop in Humidity. Although, I have considered using my knowledge, to run a small heated green house, with the intent to procreate, or rather clone, from mothers. Get them to root, and sale them on EBay. I'm fairly certain, I could undertake this endeavor.

But to produce on a large scale, Kava for drinking, I don't see happening in this climate. But if one was to have access to natural thermal heat, and was able to heat large green houses. I believe that one could make a possible return on an investment , that would produce proper Nobel Kava, grown in the central 48 states, of the US. Although with even thermal energy, it still would take years, to see a profit. But most every profitable endeavor requires investing, risk, and eventually profit. Much Love. Roaddog....
There's a place here in Maine that grows tomatoes year round. http://www.backyardfarms.com/how-we-grow/our-greenhouse
I wonder if any of their practices would work for kava? Given that with kava, it's the root we're after, makes a huge difference, but as far as environmental replication, it could be done. I'm picturing deep rows of thick humus rich soil, with plenty of root room...