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How long does a pound last you?

Jacob Bula

I know this has been asked before, but when winter, short cold days, night shifts, and covid, I've found my consumption creeping up. As a former alcoholic, excess in anything starts to create guilt, so I'm looking for some reassurance that I'm not the only one.

Lately I've been averaging 2 pounds in 2 weeks, then taking 2 weeks off. Does this seem excessive? No dermo, no problems really. Starting to feel depressed, which I know will pass when day shifts start, so I'm not worried about it, but I'm not sure if its because of the kava or if its from not seeing the sun for 2 weeks.

How long does a pound last you guys?


Kava Enthusiast
I'm just starting so I can't answer but I am interested in seeing the responses.
I know what you mean about the feeling guilt thing, though :-/


Kava aficionado
I know this has been asked before, but when winter, short cold days, night shifts, and covid, I've found my consumption creeping up. As a former alcoholic, excess in anything starts to create guilt, so I'm looking for some reassurance that I'm not the only one.

Lately I've been averaging 2 pounds in 2 weeks, then taking 2 weeks off. Does this seem excessive? No dermo, no problems really. Starting to feel depressed, which I know will pass when day shifts start, so I'm not worried about it, but I'm not sure if its because of the kava or if its from not seeing the sun for 2 weeks.

How long does a pound last you guys?
Everyone's consumption seems to revolve around their lifestyles. I've gone through periods that I drink everyday, non-stop (mostly the first few years). Eventually when you fine tune what you like, you settle into a routine. In the last 6 months or so, I've been drinking a pound every 2 weeks or so. To be more specific to your question, a pound can last me between 3-5 days. I often take breaks but not any given schedule, I listen to my body and the kava. Sometimes I'll start a session and realize my head/body is not in the right place for that night, for that, so I'll skip the night.

Listen to the kava.

Kalm with Kava

Kava Vendor
I try to keep my consumption to around 3 days a week, so that ends up lasting a good 2.5-3 weeks. In times where I consume more, it's more like a week and a half.


Kava Lover
I know this has been asked before, but when winter, short cold days, night shifts, and covid, I've found my consumption creeping up. As a former alcoholic, excess in anything starts to create guilt, so I'm looking for some reassurance that I'm not the only one.

Lately I've been averaging 2 pounds in 2 weeks, then taking 2 weeks off. Does this seem excessive? No dermo, no problems really. Starting to feel depressed, which I know will pass when day shifts start, so I'm not worried about it, but I'm not sure if its because of the kava or if its from not seeing the sun for 2 weeks.

How long does a pound last you guys?
Roughly a week for me and the misses - however her intake is probably 1/4 of mine. Here is the thing, if you feel like you should cut back or take a break probably means you should. I find kava likes to let you know subtly when you have gone overboard for a few days. The session doesn't feel quite as good, you feel lethargic even after a good night sleep etc. I also find that sometimes cutting back or taking a break makes the magic come back better than before. That said if you need it to keep sober, well then it is certainly better than picking up the booze.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
I know this has been asked before, but when winter, short cold days, night shifts, and covid, I've found my consumption creeping up. As a former alcoholic, excess in anything starts to create guilt, so I'm looking for some reassurance that I'm not the only one.

Lately I've been averaging 2 pounds in 2 weeks, then taking 2 weeks off. Does this seem excessive? No dermo, no problems really. Starting to feel depressed, which I know will pass when day shifts start, so I'm not worried about it, but I'm not sure if its because of the kava or if its from not seeing the sun for 2 weeks.

How long does a pound last you guys?
9 days


Kava Enthusiast
A pound used to last 2 weeks for me. THIS year however I am at about 4-7 days for a pound. The COVID world made my kava intake increase significantly. I do not have any negative effects besides occasional dehydration (which pedialyte knocks it right out). However if I daily drink kava that is not peeled and processed properly I will get dry stinging eyes and styes


Takes me 3-4 days to finish off a pound of kava, thats when I'm mixing alone. When i'm with a group about 3-4 of us, we use about 2 pounds for that night which eventually leads into the wee hours of the morning. Good times and good vibes!!!

Jacob Bula

Well looking at everyone's posts it makes my 2 pounds in 2 weeks seem somewhere in between moderate and heavy consumption, so I'm thinking that the lethargy has a lot to do with winter and night shifts. My family and I love to go on a lot of hikes when I'm on day shifts, which always cheers me up. It's hard to do that on cold winter nights... with a midnight curfew. Here lately shells of kava after everyone's asleep and 80s horror movies are keeping me going :p I know I'm in the zone when time slows down and I feel like I'm in the scene of the movie.

Thanks for the replies. It makes feel somewhat normal and not like the kava fiend I imagine myself to be.


Kava Enthusiast
Well looking at everyone's posts it makes my 2 pounds in 2 weeks seem somewhere in between moderate and heavy consumption, so I'm thinking that the lethargy has a lot to do with winter and night shifts. My family and I love to go on a lot of hikes when I'm on day shifts, which always cheers me up. It's hard to do that on cold winter nights... with a midnight curfew. Here lately shells of kava after everyone's asleep and 80s horror movies are keeping me going :p I know I'm in the zone when time slows down and I feel like I'm in the scene of the movie.

Thanks for the replies. It makes feel somewhat normal and not like the kava fiend I imagine myself to be.
Thank you for asking! It was a question bouncing around in my head as well.


Position 5 Hard Support
Nice thread! I have been going through medium grind kava faster than I have pre-pandemic. I bought a couple half pound bags and they're disappearing faster than I anticipated despite being a relatively light drinker. It feels good to know I can make a half pound last longer than two weeks. Much of it has to do with rotating between different varieties too, so perhaps two weeks is generous since I'm not scooping from the same bag every day.


Kava Enthusiast
I'm pleased you answered that personally Krunkie. I love your YT videos and sheer passion for kava. Information AND entertainment, FOR FREE!

So I was already curious of your own personal average consumption. I made a joke in another thread actually last week, about us running an open contest here to guess your own daily average, winner gets a packet of top notch kava signed by you lol!

I started bidding, for fun, at 75 grams.

But it's not so easily quanitfiable. I think you might "exhasut" your kava as thoroughly as any of us here, with Mongrel grog, multiple washes, frozen makas etc.

So by my estimate, your 9 day Ib, with additional mongrel maka rewashes, is arguably greater than somebody elses (50.4444 grams, I just checked lol), where makas are discarded or washed fewer times, if that makes sense, in terms of relative quantification.

Was just curious anyway, no seriousness as such.


Kava Enthusiast
Well looking at everyone's posts it makes my 2 pounds in 2 weeks seem somewhere in between moderate and heavy consumption, so I'm thinking that the lethargy has a lot to do with winter and night shifts. My family and I love to go on a lot of hikes when I'm on day shifts, which always cheers me up. It's hard to do that on cold winter nights... with a midnight curfew. Here lately shells of kava after everyone's asleep and 80s horror movies are keeping me going :p I know I'm in the zone when time slows down and I feel like I'm in the scene of the movie.

Thanks for the replies. It makes feel somewhat normal and not like the kava fiend I imagine myself to be.
Yes I would categorixe that as perhaps just slightly above moderate, if not average.

Anything above 50 grams daily, is fairly heavy IMO, prep tech dependant.

I vary between 35 grams and 70 grams a day. Usually in the 40's, so I guess a Ib lasts me 9 to 11 days, mostly 10 or 11.


Kava O.G.
A pound used to last 2 weeks for me. THIS year however I am at about 4-7 days for a pound. The COVID world made my kava intake increase significantly. I do not have any negative effects besides occasional dehydration (which pedialyte knocks it right out). However if I daily drink kava that is not peeled and processed properly I will get dry stinging eyes and styes
Same situation here as Bryon. I would also classify myself a heavy kava user if that matters to you. Trust your gut and do what's best for you! Are you concerned about expense?


Kava Enthusiast
Same situation here as Bryon. I would also classify myself a heavy kava user if that matters to you. Trust your gut and do what's best for you! Are you concerned about expense?
I read it that his one consideration, was maybe his gradual rise in consumption level, may actually be slightly too much of a good thing, and triggering a bit of depression, easily exacerbated by night shifts and lack of daylight etc.

Not to mention biorythms and blulight exposure, no true darkness for melatonin production and deep sleep.


Kava Enthusiast
The expense is look at by myself as an invest in future endeavors lol. At this point imma keep it up for a year and then chill on the amount lol. got 2 more months left.

Jacob Bula

Same situation here as Bryon. I would also classify myself a heavy kava user if that matters to you. Trust your gut and do what's best for you! Are you concerned about expense?
No, I think it has more to do with my past addictive behavior and not wanting to fall into that again. Even though kava is not physically addictive, I just want to make sure I don't get psychologically addicted to it. I want to keep my relationship with kava healthy and makes sure I'm not abusing it. I have a tendency to go overboard with everything I get into.