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How long does kava stay fresh?


Kava Enthusiast
How long does powdered root stay fresh in an airtight bag? Also, is it ok to prepare a big jug of kava with the intention of storing it in the fridge and consuming it over a few days, or should you only prepare what you intend to drink that day?

Thanks :)


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
It starts to loose some of it's fresh smell after about a month and a half or so. It's still good, doesn't get stale or anything but it won't have the same smell it did when you first got it. I've had a bag of kava for about 3 months. After month #2 you'll probably notice a difference in the smell and taste. It won't be much but it will be noticeable.

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Vekta is right that smell will decrease a bit within a couple months, but potency should stay the same for about a year as long as it's sealed.

Prepared kava tastes the same for about 24-36 hrs. After that it starts to get this weird tangy taste but it is still effective. It gets undrinkable about 72 hrs. after preparation.


Kava Curious
I am interested in the same thing, Can you tell me, how long is it
possible to store kava
drink(but in my case it is always prepared from a milk) in a fridge ? Or how
long will it take
for kava-beverage to go bad(spoil) in the refrigerator ? I mean "spoiled" like unhealthy for body and so....because I dont care much
for the smell or tangy taste of beverage, the most important thing for me is that the drink was as effective as after preparation and also was still healthy for drinking.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
Any thoughts about putting it in the freezer like I do with coffee? I'm wondering if that would help it keep the smell, at least that works well with coffee beans. On the other hand maybe letting it "age" a bit would make it milder and more newby-friendly? I'm finding that I quite like the smell, but I'm sure that my wife would find it disgusting, thinking maybe something like Black Sand she would enjoy more.