That totally varies on the strain. In fact I can only speculate. Only a few suppliers list their kavalactone profiles but that only specifies to which ones appear in the order or highest to least content, but does not give specific ratios. In addition a teaspoon is going to have a different density and weight per teaspoon differing between grind types. If one were to use a series of assumption like the usual kavalactone quantity in kava in 10-20% and just make an average of 15% and since a teaspoon of powder usually weighs around 5 grams; but kava will be less dense around 3-5 grams, so call it 4. You can make the base guess that a hypothetical teaspoon of kava would contain 15% kavalactone per 4 grams of weight thus 150 mg kavaloctones per gram times 4, giving you 600 mg. Keep in mind that you usually only get 50% of kavalactones extracting it so you would really only get about 300 mg.