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How much do you guys spend on Kava each month ?


Kava Enthusiast
Not entirely sure, maybe 40 bucks a month. A pound a month is what I consume I would say, maybe a little less


Kava Enthusiast
Typically around 30 plus. I try and pick it up in bulk and it lasts me a while. I just got 2 lbs from KBR and it's good but I fiqure it'll last me a little longer than a month. I had a kilo of boroguro last me for a quite some time, but then again I kept getting instant green and kava from other vendors. I chilled out a little recently as there was awhile when I was drinking around a kilo a month.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Well lets see... 1 lb of kava will last me 3-3.5 months so...

$10.60-$19.00 a month if my math is reasonably accurate.


Kava Enthusiast
That's a really good question. No idea how much I consume in a month, but I've been on a buying binge lately so I'm stocked up for a while. I think I'm going to go do some math when I get home.


Kava Enthusiast
Vekta said:
Well lets see... 1 lb of kava will last me 3-3.5 months so...

$10.60-$19.00 a month if my math is reasonably accurate.
Wow, kudos to you on very cost effective kava consumption. I wish I could make mine last that long.


Kava Curious
This month, about $110, but that was only because I wanted a nice variety of kavas to experiment with. Plus, I purchased some of the back bag kava from BKH knowing that it might not be around for long.

My only regret so far has been the Fu'u. The taste and I just don't get along.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
About $150. The normal 2 bags of stone plus paradise's extract. Last month was a bit high but I've got PLENTY of deferent types to try.


Kava Enthusiast
I'm kind of afraid to add up costs, but I know I'm saving money in the long run.

Kava has replaced all of my meds and herbs: Vicodin, flexeril, ultracet, valerian, l-theanine, tryptophan, and a couple other natural muscle relaxer and sleep aids. I take a strong dose of kava every day, 1 cup kava to 2 cup water. Usually need 3-5 ounces at that strength.

Saving more money now that I found boroguru, almost half the price of stone.


Kava Curious
Wow these are huge differences in consumption. I guess this results from the fact that, as far as I understand, more Kava is used for recreational uses than for mental conditions. Still $150 a month sounds crazy to me :D


Kava Enthusiast
mos3z said:
Does anyone make second pressings from their root?
I always do. I make batches with at least 1/2 cup and usually use the blender method and much less water the second time around. I always get lots of yellow froth and foam on my second run, it numbs the tongue and has good effects, just not so much as the first. I'll even save up a few cups of second wash root and make one third wash wish basically 1:1 water and still get somewhat decent kava, better than kona no doubt. By the time I throw it out it has been thouroughly depleted.


Kava Curious
I've only tried making a second pressing once and I just didn't do a very good job with the mix. It was pretty weak. Maybe the secret is switching from hand squeezing to the blender?


mos3z said:
Does anyone make second pressings from their root?
Yup. Sometimes I'll make a second press and put it in the fridge for the next night, but usually I just mix the second press in with the first press and drink lots and lots of kava. yum.

By the way I spend like $60 - $70 on kava every two months.


Kava Lover
I spend usually about 30 to 40. I try to use a pound a month, but sometimes I use more. And as far as the second press thing, I always do that, just seems much more economical that way lol. Once I'm done with this fine bowl in front of me you better believe ima do a second press!


Kava Enthusiast
I never answered the question of the post.  I spend about 60-100 a month but have a "generous" supply of varieties, extracts from PK and some candies to boot.