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How much kava do you use for a session? How long does the effects last?


Kava Curious
I'm curious what other people's kava experiences are like. For the longest time I was making a shell with about 6-7 tablespoons of kava and I was getting very minimal effects. However last week I decided to go with about 10 tablespoons and I had a very good session every since using that amount. The downside is that I burn through a pound in no time using that much. Anyone else using that much kava for a shell? I've used about 3 different strains and with 5-7 tablespoons I barely feel any effect. So far I've tried Chief's, Borugu and Boruguru. I have 2 more pounds of Boruguru coming soon, I may try some other strains to see if they work better for me.

So what strains do you guys like? How much do you use? How long are the effects?


Kava Lover
For a shell or for a bowl? I use around 6 tablespoons for a bowl and I get maybe five good shells out of that


Kava Enthusiast
I tend to use around a heaping half-cup... which is probably about 10 tablespoons. Length and depth of the experience varies pretty extremely.


Kava Enthusiast
I use 1 cup to 2 cups water but only drink 3 ounces to get strong effect, 4 ounces to get krunk


Kava Enthusiast
1/2-1 cup of mixed kavas. This morning I have 1/4 cup of wow mixed with a fat 1/2 of chief's soaking in coconut water and soy. I typically drink it all within an hour and am usually incredibly sedated for an hour or 2 and buzzed for 4-6 hours beyond that. I will always make a second wash which has good effects on it's own and use that as a primer for my next session, something to chug while my next batch is soaking.


Kava Curious
A half-cup used to be enough for me, too much even, but for some reason, now I need about a cup of root.
Duration is all over the place.  Typically, if things go well, about 4 hours.  Sometimes, I'll start feeling the effects immediately, but they'll disappear about half way through the batch, and finishing the batch seems to do nothing.  On the opposite end, I drank enough Wow one morning that I could still feel some effects 12 hours later (unfortunately I was somewhat nauseous throughout the day which kind of ruined it).
I've always preferred the heady strains, although for me they seems to be less consistent in effect.  The best sessions I've had were mixing 1/2 cup Melo Melo (BKH) with 1 tbsp Nambawan, but I've been having trouble duplicating that lately.  Fu'u has been a decent replacement.  And I always keep some Stone on hand for when I get tired of messing around.  Stone has yet to fail me (and so far, actually tastes the best to me).


Kava Curious
Depends on the type..

sub-lingual from Paradise I use about 1/2 tsp under the tongue until it's gone (usually 10-15 mins). Works good and fast, wears off just as fast.

Instant powder I mix 1 TBS with 8oz of water. Works ok. Sometimes a headache ensues the next day or that night.

Traditional I use one cup kava with 3 cups of water. I take my time with this since I don't do it too often. I make sure to get everything out I can. This seems to have the best affect with the least side affects. I don't drink all of this at once, and have even thinned it when done. (I can tell by taste how "strong" it is).

I get a good 2-3 sessions out of the last method.

I think I'm gonna go make some now. :)