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how much Kava is the right dose to feel good?


May the Brew be with you
Usually I take 100ml water (= 0,42 US cups) with 10-12grams Kava powder. (453 grams = 1 US pound; I think 10-12grams is a tablespoon)

After pressing the kava in the strainer for about 5 minutes. After drinking this first brew, I take the same kava again and press it in 100ml new water. 

I have no idea how much kavalactones I get this way. Most of my kava is not very fine powder, so that there is still much powder in the strainer at the end. But if I use Konakava powder, which is very fine, most of the powder goes through the strainer into the water.

What is the right dose for one person?
I take a big 80 oz pickle jar with just enough room on the top for my hand to go in.  No mess like a bowl.  I put 50-60 oz of water in there, barely warm.  I then put 5-8 TBS KAVA powder in a finely woven cotton muslin bag.  Instead of making a second batch, I'll massage in the cotton muslin bag for 5 or more minutes, and then transfer to a nylon bag and squeeze some more.  How much powder I want in there depends on the quality of the Kava and if that strain causes nausea.  Yesterday I brewed up a batch of Paradise Kava and I was feeling extremely good, buzzed, euphoric after just 2 cups.  When I finished, I think I was more intoxicated than I ever been with not a trace of nausea,  Although I did have some Isa/Tudei the night before, with really enhanced it.  And I let most the powder in.   This seems to be the right amount for me to feel great.  
I scarcely felt anything from Kona Kava's powder.  I think most of it has to do with where you get the kava, preparation method, and contents of your stomach.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
To feel good? That's depends on what you mean by good. About half a shell of a high kavain kava is enough for me. Fire Island, in my experience, the best for a high kavain content. Kavas advertised as being "strong" are usually not very high in kavain, even though they may have a stronger total kavalactone content. High kavain kavas would include Fire Island, WOW, Black Sands.