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How's the batch of Nabwan

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Kava Enthusiast
Hey all debating in my head about trying the new to me current batch of Nabwan. Any opinions on it?

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Hey all debating in my head about trying the new to me current batch of Nabwan. Any opinions on it?
Someone mentioned on a different thread that they were really liking this batch. I forget where and who. Maybe they'll join the conversation? At any rate, Namba is always fantastic.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
It's my favourite kava. I really really enjoy drinking it. And the various effects one gets, the range of effects. I find myself craving it fairly regularly. And for me it is also in many ways the most cosmic (and mysterious, even after drinking it many times: at first I liked it and didn't know why, but gradually I find I like it and know some of the reasons why but there are still mysteries to it for me) and most psychotropic of kavas. Also, my favourite kava to drink with exercise, again for the cosmic aspects. And now that I've found triple balling nambawan brings on powerful euphoria, equivalent to any good Tongan well, I like it even more. I think it has a range of interesting and pleasant effects, depending on how strong one preps it, and each is good. There isn't one right way to enjoy nambawan, but rather, a bunch of ways to enjoy nambawan and they are all good. If it isn't obvious yet, I really like nambawan, and I have a few pounds of the current batch. It's very good, a fresh smelling grind with lots of fresh clumps, I love everything about it. My only problem I have with it is forcing myself to resist it sometimes, so I don't drink it too often.
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