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I search a kava NOT drunk, and the best for ANXIETY !




I'm french, sorry for my bad english.

I search a Root Kava Powder for my ANXIETY.

So, I want a powerful kava because HIGH anxiety.

A long lasting kava, et not a lot of expensive... for treat my anxiety all day, every day !

I've try "Quick Kava Premium" (Vanuatu Kava Store). For me it's 8/10 for
anxiety, et 5/10 for pickled. But it work only 1 hour, and it is

I DON'T want a kava drunk, I DON'T want be pickled as alcohol.

I 've try "Isa/Tudei" (Kava by rex), for me it is very DRUNK (pickled) and I don't like!

And it is NOT anxiolytic !

I search a Kava a lot of anxiolytic and not drunk.

Thanks to help me !


May the Brew be with you
I tested a lot of Kava root extract capsules, but they didn't work.
The effect is much better if you prepare a traditional drink with squeezing powder in water.
Malekula Magic from Vanuatu Kava Store is good against anxiety.


Thanks !!

An other person can give his advice ?

I plan to order 3 or 4 kava different and try there, for find the best for me (the most anxiolytic and NOT drunk/pickled as alcohol)


Kava Curious
I've only tried a few kavas, but so far the Melo Melo from Bula Kava House seems the most relaxing, without giving me that heavy stoned feeling. While the initial melty feeling isn't long lasting, I think the anxiolytic properties linger even when you can't 'feel' the kava anymore. It's definitely not a 'drunk' feeling--I don't like that either. You might prefer something more powerful but the price is reasonable, and you can order a small bag, so if you're interested in trying a few different kavas it might be a good option for you.

I have extreme anxiety too--one thing that's been essential for me is giving up caffeine. :( I also use a progesterone cream since my anxiety has a hormonal pattern (I'm female, wouldn't suggest this if you're a male...lol). But with these changes, and with a pitcher of kava in the refrigerator, I haven't used a benzo in almost a month. Not really on topic but I thought I'd mention those things, in case you or anyone else found them helpful. I've tried a lot of supplements, etc, and these are the only things that have really worked for me.

I've seen a few recommendations for the Melekula Magic now so I think I'll try that one next.


Okay thanks ! I'm a male ! In french is very sexual to say "male" for a boy lol ^^


Kava Curious
boroguru for bulakavahouse.com works great. not really a drunk feeling. No more anxiety for me. Only problem for me is i have a weak stomach.


Kava Curious
haha guertsaurellen! Hey I have some of the Boroguru too, that kruton mentioned. I like it too, just didn't mention it because whenever I've made it I've mixed it with the Vanautu 3 by Kava by Rex. The Van3 gives me that drunk feeling, it's not unpleasant, just not practical really for daytime. When I finish the pitcher of Melo I have in the fridge, I'll try the Boroguru alone. Maybe even tonight! :) Good luck, I hope you find something that works for you, and if you do let me know because I'm looking for exactly the same effects and would love a heads up.


Kava Enthusiast
krutonsb said:
boroguru for bulakavahouse.com works great. not really a drunk feeling. No more anxiety for me. Only problem for me is i have a weak stomach.
take ginger extract multiple times a day, it will remove most of the nausea associated with kava usage.


Kava Enthusiast
skinnymonkey said:
I've only tried a few kavas, but so far the Melo Melo from Bula Kava House seems the most relaxing, without giving me that heavy stoned feeling. While the initial melty feeling isn't long lasting, I think the anxiolytic properties linger even when you can't 'feel' the kava anymore. It's definitely not a 'drunk' feeling--I don't like that either. You might prefer something more powerful but the price is reasonable, and you can order a small bag, so if you're interested in trying a few different kavas it might be a good option for you.

I have extreme anxiety too--one thing that's been essential for me is giving up caffeine. :( I also use a progesterone cream since my anxiety has a hormonal pattern (I'm female, wouldn't suggest this if you're a male...lol). But with these changes, and with a pitcher of kava in the refrigerator, I haven't used a benzo in almost a month. Not really on topic but I thought I'd mention those things, in case you or anyone else found them helpful. I've tried a lot of supplements, etc, and these are the only things that have really worked for me.

I've seen a few recommendations for the Melekula Magic now so I think I'll try that one next.
I suggest melo melo as well.
However, the best natural thing ive come across for anxiety is anxiety-ease from KTbotanicals. It is a mixture of kavalactones along with alkaloids from mulungu,magnolia and salvia and it is quite potent. honokiol and mulungu along with kavalactones is a potent mixture and they are the pure extracts no filler and work. These extracts from these herbs are as exciting as kavalactones in the realm of anxiety, having some really cool pharmacology such as gaba A activity, calcium channel blockade and nmda antagonism. It's just a good mixture.


Ok so I'm interested by :
 Nakamal At Home - Stone Kava
Malukula Magic (vanuatu kava store)

I'll test that, for begin Malulula Magic and also Pentecost Pride (nobody as talk about it, but it's the same kava that Quick Kava, and Quick Kava works on me)

Sorry for my bad english

Thanks ! Bye bye


Somebody has advice me : Hawaiian Kava    because contain less DHK/DHM (drunk feeling) and more KAVAIN ( relaxed and euphoric feeling.)

(Sorry for my bad english)


Kava Enthusiast

I am looking for that same thing as you, a kava that has a strong anti-anxiety effect with little or no drunkness. Did you find a kava that works well for your anxiety?