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I'm curious about a brand that's been floating around for a while.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Has anyone had any experience with the new KavaKing website, and product? The first kava I ever tried was Kava King and I was sad to see they had shut down shortly after I found them. Kava King.com is up. The product looks snazzy, but I'm just wondering if any of you guys here have tried it. Thanks!
(oh, and this is prompted because HawiianKavaCenter thinks it's ok to like....go on vacation!! Can you believe that? Just kidding, I don't blame them, but I'm running low.)


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I think our fearless leader is familiar with them. Hopefully he'll pop on sometime soon. I'm not completely certain on that but the name sounds familiar. It may not be the same one I'm thinking of though. I haven't seen any legit Kava vendor put kava in smoking products. Smoking Kava is blasphemy anyways.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I know! This fact alone has me questioning the validity of the product. It's quite off-putting to see cigars offered by the same company that produces kava. I know the new KavaKing is a branch of conaloe that makes botanical compounds and dried ground products (http://www.conaloe.com/). The person who represents the branch is also quite active on facebook.  Back about 5 or so years ago, in my opinion, you couldn't find any stronger product than Kava King - kings reserve (for dried powdered product anyway). The closest thing I could quantify it to would be the Stone Kava Concentrated extract from Nakamal @ Home's website. Even then it was much stronger. Oh, and yes, blasphemy for smoking Kava. "Burn", and "kava" should be words that never meet. 

If no one here has tried it, I'll be more than happy to be the Guinea pig and report back.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I wanted to own a tin, but they discontinued it. So, there were several tins of stale, discontinued kava. I ordered six crates, three of chocolate and three of berry. That's six tins per crate, or 36 tins total. I just wanted a to own kava packaged like Nestle Quick.

As far as the smoking objection, I hear you on that one. I understand a vendor has to find a way to sell as much as possible, and while the leaves are high in kavalactones they're also something you shouldn't drink. Kava leaf smoke is used in traditional medicine, but not for ceremonial/recreational purposes.