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I'm looking for...


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
...something heavy handed. I really want to feel that "invisible barrier" going up. I'm purposely looking for a sedated yet clear minded effect. N@H "Wow" is out of the question right now. I just can't drop that much at the moment on kava. So I have narrowed it down to...

1/4 lb. N@H Stone Kava or 1 lb. Vanuatu Isa/Tudei Kava from Rex...

Which one is more heavy handed? Which one is closer to what I'm looking for in your opinion? (Amount in each package aside for a moment)

If they're similar enough that it doesn't matter that much in regards to effect let me know. Thank you for your time.


The Vanutatu Isa/Tudei I think fits the description. In my experience, stone is amazing on sore muscles but leaves my mind alone after the first or second shell. The Vanutatu Isa/Tudei sedates my muscles and allows me to totally zone out after a few shells, but I could still easily think clearly enough to study or cook a nice meal or chat with my neighbors.

They are very similar kavas I find, but on terms of a mental effect I lean more toward the Isa/Tudei than Stone. Hope you find what you're looking for Vekta, best of luck.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Hmm...I could swing a bag of Adil's 1/4 lb. lsa.Does anyone know how it compares to Rex's Isa?

If it's clearly more heavy handed I'll give Adil a shot this go round. I have been meaning to try his stuff. Unfortunately my priorities changed since the last time I was looking for kava.


Kava Curious
My suggestion is Stone. Just had some last night and had the effect you described. Stone consistently provides that effect for me and is lasting.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I decided to go with Isa from Rex. It's just more practical right now. My last 1 lb bag from The Hawaiian Kava center lasted me a little longer than 3 months. I'm totally out of kava right now, not a residue left. *sad face*


Kava Enthusiast
someone was saying in another thread that rex's isa was less powerful than other's. maybe im remembering that wrong

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Hey, y'all, if you feel like trying something new, we at Bula Kava House have a couple potent strains that fit the bill discussed in this post. I don't know what actual strains KBR and NAH are using for their tudei and stone, but my Boroguru (Actual name given by the growers) is 100% lateral root, grown five years and is high in kavain and DHK, but also fairly high in DHM which is the kavalactone that has the most intense effects. Too much DHM can make you nauseous but a moderately high amount just makes for a more intense kava experience. For y'all that know about kava chemotypes, our Boroguru is 245613. It's pretty popular here at the kava bar. store.bulakavahouse.com/collections/kava-root/products/1-2-kilo-1-1-lbs-boroguru-kava-root


Kava Curious
Don't write Wow! off just because of the price.  If you drink it on an empty stomach you can't POSSIBLY drink more than three shells (assuming 1 tbsp per shell).
It costs twice as much but you can only drink half of the amount as you could with other kavas.  It's really the same in the end.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I would get Wow! but the price is what's stopping me.I just can't drop that much on kava right now. I have a pretty good supply now so I'm good for about 2-3 months.