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instant hard on the guts?


Kava Enthusiast
what up everyone?

So I'm slowly becoming a vet, I have been using kava nightly for about 1-2 months now and it has helped with my brutal insomnia to a degree and my stress levels. So maybe for the first month I had some morning nausea nothing spectacular but a little. I tend to consume my kava3-4 tbsps in one sitting, instead of spreading it out, I find this best for getting me to sleep, perhaps making it harder on the guts but spreading it out is tedious and I'm really looking for medicinal qualities here, ie sedation and sleep.
Anyway how I got on that tangent I'll never know, but lately I have been drinking BKH instant green, Roughly 3-5 tsps per night and every morning I have the worst nausea ever, is this kava particularly strong? Is it because it's powdered? This is really my first go of drinking just instants and I feel like I'm getting hangovers from it. Having some problems on the other end as well(smiley: roll), Pics availible if interested(smiley: wink)


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
It's potent for an instant. I don't know if you would call it "particularly strong".

Hmm...3-5 tsp....that's around 1 tablespoon which is about how much I used in 8-10 oz. of water. Sometimes if I drink the thick slush at the bottom it made it a tad hard to swallow due to the texture but I never got hang over-type nausea. It could be just the numbing effect reaching down to your stomach. That feeling is a little odd sometimes.

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
Hey there, NDG. Our instant is the strongest I've found. Some kavas make some people's stomachs upset, I'd hate for ours to be one that does it to you because I think it's the best instant out there. My advice would be to make sure to drink a decent amount of water after your kava so it's not just sitting in your stomach alone all night. I always encourage people to drink water while drinking kava.


Kava Curious
I've only tried the instant a few times, but it hasn't done that for me. How are you spacing your food/kava consumption? The only time I've felt sick like that was an early "experiment" with eating heavily while drinking a fair amount of kava.


Kava Enthusiast
I generally have food about 15 minutes after kava sometimes an hour. I have taken Judd's advice, it's something I normally do but have been slipping lately, it almost has to be a ritual in a sense. Increasing the water has helped but the nausea is still there a tad, I'm thinking my stomach just doesn't like the powder in the guts maybe. This kinda happened before when I first became a kava drinker and went away, perhaps I just need to get use to instants likewise.

Thanks for the response guys.