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Instant Kava - $1 (Yes, ONE dollar!) and a FREE KAVA GIFT?

Andrew Procyk

Noble Kava
Kava Vendor
Greetings folks - first time starting off a topic.. so here it goes...
We are running a pretty ridiculous special for you to sample our instant kava - a true instant made from fresh juice of course, for only $1.  
Yup.  $1.
So here is the deal - Mail us a self-addressed stamped envelope, postmarked on or before before the 17th (1 week)  and $1 cash, and we will put ~10g/3servings of QKP in it, and mail it back to you.  (Packaged QKP of course - we won't dump the powder right into the envelope) ;-)
We have a STELLAR instant product from a recently-tweaked machine - BUT - it could not keep up with demand, so more new machinery has arrived, and a new production run has begun! When we get the batch of the even newer instant, we will run this offer AGAIN with that product.  Our instant product is something that we have been working to perfect over quite some time now, to find a perfect balance of good taste (because let's face it, some instants taste like plaster) and lactone concentration (because others are just... root!).  We have yet to know of someone who has been sincerely disappointed by it.  All that we ask is that you give us an honest assessment of the new stuff to come vs. this last batch if you try both, and we will call it a product testing endeavor.  We are hoping to increase production speed while improving quality, and think we are REALLY close, but would like your input.
We have sold our instant wholesale to many re-sellers in the past, so there is a really good chance you may have tried a prior version of QKP from a different re-seller.  Now, you can try a newer one for a BUCK!
*So, all you gotta do: Mail $1 and your SASE today to: Vanuatu Kava BarQKP Sample Deal15 Eagle St.Asheville, NC 28801
Those postmarked on the 11th (tomorrow) will get an additional FREE kava gift! 
Thanks, Cheers!Andrew
*Limit 1 per forum user household.  Open only to registered users on the forums prior to this posting.  Offer may be rescinded at any time for any reason.  (But probably won't be.)


Kava Enthusiast
sounds good andrew

i'll send off an envelope

out of curiosity can you say what kava the instant is made from? more head effect or body effect?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
o_0 Holy root rhizomes batman!

To the stamp collection!!!
Wake up 6 hours early tomorrow on my late lecture schedule day? Yes, please! *in mail send* (Yay)


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Hmm...indeed Deleted User. Hopefully it's just maintenance or something.

Andrew Procyk

Noble Kava
Kava Vendor
Sincerest apologies! Just got back after performing some comedy, and realized that I did not warn anyone of the web-mess! Our web site has not been "correct" (even if it has been up) for about a year now, and it is really a shame! We have a new webmaster, and likely he is on top of it as I type (or tomorrow AM.) I appreciate the heads-up on the situation from you all! I did call him earlier today, and I am hoping this will be corrected by week's end, if not tomorrow.

Nonetheless, that is part of the reason we are doing the promo without the website involved. Yes, it is a way to lower cost via the SASE, but it also circumvents the necessity of doing something through the site. To be honest, a web presence has always been the weak point of what we do - part of the reason I am only getting on the forums now. thank you for bearing with us, and I promise you will get your instant if we get your envelope - this is NOT just a scam to get a bunch of $1 bills! I SWEAR! ;-)




Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
For $1 and a couple envelops? I'll take the risk.

Lets do this! Leroy Jenkins that $1 bill!(smiley: grin)


Kava Enthusiast
metacog said:
Can I pay with change : D ?
Oh yeah and what's the "FREE KAVA GIFT?"
I think I'll have to pay with four quarters taped to something. Dollar bills are pretty rare in my plastic world.


Kava Enthusiast
Sent my $1 & SASE out yesterday... guess I walked didn't run after all. Hope I wasn't too late.