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instructions to brew kava with a blender?


Kava Curious
Douglas, All:
Very appreciative for Douglas' new guidance on 1 to 2 tbsp of kava per cup water for kava brewing. Don't want to waste kava.
Wondering if anyone ever uses a blender to brew kava?  10 minutes to strain isn't much time, but it would be nice to know an effective alternative way to brew kava with a blender if it was effective and could save time when needed.


Kava Enthusiast

I prepare my kava the following way:

1. Let it sit for 5 - 30 minutes, However long you really want it to. I like to let mine sit a while.

2. Strain and knead for 2 minutes.

3. Pour the root back into the kava and throw in a blender. I use the "ice crush" option on the blender for about 30 - 45 seconds.

4. Strain and knead for about 5 minutes.

Ive had very good luck with this method. I used to not even knead it at all. Just strain blend strain done, and I still got good effects. But I think kneading it adds that kick everyone likes.
