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Introducing Friends to Kava


Kava Curious
I've had a friend at work try the candy and like it, but she was hesitant to order on-line.(smiley: sick)  My husband won't try kava.  He affectionately calls it my "witchcraft".  My brother, who will basically try anything is the only person I have convinced to try kava, but this is not a great accomplishment.  (I worry about that kid sometimes....) I'd like to try to introduce more friends to kava.  I just don't know how to sell them on the lousy taste/possible reverse tolerance issue.  How did this work for you all?


Kava Enthusiast
I think the most important thing is to give them a strong brew to increase the odds of it working. I dont have a problem getting people to try it once. Trying it twice though is tough if it doesnt work for them.


Kava Lover
I think that they just have to have a strong stomach really, strong enough so that they will try it again. My best buddy who I got into kava tried it a couple of times at first and thought that maybe the whole thing was just a placebo but then after his RT broke down he saw the light lol. And now me and him make a bowl every time we have a recording session. But I think the key is persistence really, try to ease it onto them and keep going farther and farther each time, that way when it does hit them, it hits them hard.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I showed people the culture and history behind kava. I think that goes a long way in giving Kava a kind of exotic mystique in there minds. At the very least it's an interesting series of youtube videos and fun facts. To date I've gotten at least 15 people to try kava after explaining the few things I've learned about it's history and the cultures that use it.


Kava Curious
Hmmm....I think these are all good tips. A number of my friends have degrees in anthropology so I think the culture sales pitch might work really well. My husband even has a minor in anth so maybe that will make it seem more compelling for him. It does sound like I do need to make sure they will be open to trying more than once. I'm enjoying some Stone right now and while it's definitely working, it tastes pretty foul! Maybe I'll compare it to a fine whiskey in terms of acquired taste.....


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
thanks for introducing the candy...hopefully it can be a nice "gateway" to open up further conversation and trying brew that might not be as acceptable to first timers.  Also, if you catch people when they really need it...pitching kava is much easier when tension is high and they are stressed out of there mind; dirty water is no big thing :)


Kava Curious
If you want to smooth the path for someone really fussy, mix Nestle chocolate drink powder 2 to 1 with kava and prepare (either traditionally or with a blender) with a milk like substance (I use coconut milk usually). Doing with with a better tasting Kava like Fu'u or PK Hawaiian basically makes chocolate milk with a mildly bitter finish. I have even made tea bags for people using this mix as 'emergency kava'. Personally I almost always drink my kava straight but I agree, sometimes the taste is pretty rough.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Vekta said:
I showed people the culture and history behind kava. I think that goes a long way in giving Kava a kind of exotic mystique in there minds. At the very least it's an interesting series of youtube videos and fun facts. To date I've gotten at least 15 people to try kava after explaining the few things I've learned about it's history and the cultures that use it.
"So, there's this island in the South Pacific called Tanna, and the Yaohnanen tribe who lives there worship the Queen of England's husband. Yeah, no, seriously, she's married.  Oh, I was shocked, too, cause you never hear about him, like, ever.  Anyway, they think this dude, Philip.  No, not King Philip, he's married to a queen but he's not a king, he's a price and a duke.  I'm not sure how that works, either.  Look, anyway, these guys, the Yaohnanen, drink this stuff called kava, and it allows them to enter into a sacred spirit-space with Philip where he gives them spiritual guidance.  And, it just so happens that I have some of this kava stuff, as well as a shrine built to Philip.  What?  Of course he's a god.  He was given a hunting club that can only be held by high-ranking men of the Yaohnanen tribe, so of course when he sent back a picture of him holding it, it was absolute proof that he was of the Yaohnanen and of Tanna, but because no one remembered seeing him there, the only explanation is that he is the pale skinned son of a mountain spirit.  Now, do you want some kava, or not?

uuku pi

Kava Enthusiast
Margaret Mead turned me on to kava. While I was bedridden I decided to re-read my university Anthropology books. "Coming of Age in Samoa" has references to kava and I wanted to know what this stuff the virgins were chewing. I looked it up and bought some. One of the best moves of my life.


Kava Curious
Prince Philip said:
"So, there's this island in the South Pacific called Tanna, and the Yaohnanen tribe who lives there worship the Queen of England's husband. Yeah, no, seriously, she's married.  Oh, I was shocked, too, cause you never hear about him, like, ever.  Anyway, they think this dude, Philip.  No, not King Philip, he's married to a queen but he's not a king, he's a price and a duke.  I'm not sure how that works, either.  Look, anyway, these guys, the Yaohnanen, drink this stuff called kava, and it allows them to enter into a sacred spirit-space with Philip where he gives them spiritual guidance.  And, it just so happens that I have some of this kava stuff, as well as a shrine built to Philip.  What?  Of course he's a god.  He was given a hunting club that can only be held by high-ranking men of the Yaohnanen tribe, so of course when he sent back a picture of him holding it, it was absolute proof that he was of the Yaohnanen and of Tanna, but because no one remembered seeing him there, the only explanation is that he is the pale skinned son of a mountain spirit.  Now, do you want some kava, or not?
I actually think this may work directly....now all I need is a shrine....