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Is Kava always equally effective against anxiety ?


Kava Curious
I started drinking Kava like 6 weeks ago for GAD. So far I'm not convinced whether it worked to any degree. I know that sometimes it definitely doesn't work. Reverse tolerance is probably not the problem since I feel the dizziness and kinda krunkedness effects already.

1) Is Kava equally effective for you guys every time you drink it ? Or, can it be very effective one day but of little help another day ?

2) So far I tried Fijian and Hawaian Kava, but I need to order more asap. Which Kava do you suggest ?


Kava Enthusiast
1) Not at all equally effective. Sometimes for me it's a minimal and short-lived effect. Other times it's pretty strong, same kava, same process. Hard to pin down why the differences happen sometimes.

2) For anxiety? Kava candy is what worked for me, because it's accessible in the moment when the anxiety hits me. Paradise Kava has a lot of options for "need now" type stuff.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
1.) If I stick to my favorites or ones similar to it (Boroguru, Paradise Hawaiian) Yes, same every time.

2.) Still missing a Fijian from my kava experiences. I can't comment on that. But I can say you won't be unhappy with Hawaiian....well ok Hawaiian from Paradise kava. Others I've tried a couple times were meh.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
1.) The experience varies for me wildly. Sometimes I'm relaxed, sometimes I can end up more tense and krunk. I make the same brand and same strain (Nakamal@Home Stone) in the same manner every single day. Knead it at the same time, refrigerate for the same amount of time, and drink it at the same time. I eat at the same time every day, and I eat roughly the same amount at the same time every day. Different results every time. I think I can honestly say I've not had two similar experiences in a row and I've been drinking kava nightly for somewhere between 6-7 years.

2.) Try stone from www.nakamalathome.com

For me kava was the answer to anxiety. For others it isn't. Just as one antidepressant effects two people differently so may kava.


Kava Curious
I have different experiences with kava, but in general the effect is always a mood elevation and the ability to get some perspective about the thing I'm worried about. I really like Fijian kava, but everyone seems to have their own variety of what works best for them. Prep and use also matter. For me a full stomach pretty much negates the whole experience. The thing I like about Fijian is that it feels to me like it has a balance of kavain and DHM, but you might prefer a strain strong in one or the other. Tongan or Vanuatan kavas are usually high kavain and some brands like Boroguru (BKH) and Stone(Nakamal @ Home) are higher in DHM. I also like the candies for day time use when you just want to calm down. Some people I know who use kava in the daytime really like the instants and the extracts.

I hope you find something that works for you.


Kava Curious
@Kapmcrunk: are you saying that sometimes Kava doesn't work for you as an anxiety killer? If so what do you do in such cases, do you take even more Kava?


Kava Lover
I don't get too much anxiety anymore but the times I do kava helps me a lot. Mostly I think it helps with depression however

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Well, the sedative effect usually overpowers the anxiety, and honestly I think I may have lost my anxiety problems through the continued use of kava. It takes time, but it's worth it. I don't usually end up drinking more, I usually just go to sleep, as I normally drink my main kava before bed.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Kava increases emotional responsiveness. In addition to kava, I would recommend an emotional strength trigger. May I recommend Flo Rida? His music often features club rap roots, r&b influences, southern rap influences, electronica influences and funk influences. His lyrics speak of a strength and calm power.

Or, if you're a more visual person, this image of Prince Philip has been known to inspire followers with a sense of purpose.

Remember, Prince Philip wants you to be brave, to stay strong.
None of your ancestors died in childhood.  None of your ancestors failed to copulate.  Honor your ancestors by being calm.  When you drink kava, don't just drink a shell full of muddy bitter stuff.  Drink the calmness of those ancestors.  Drink peace.  Drink calm.  The experience of kava will conform to your expectations as well as to your environment.

Remember that.