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is premaking really that bad? what do you mix kava with?


Kava Vendor
Also, Melomelo kava bar in berkeley sells a Kava mixed with pina colada mix which tastes pretty good.

Regarding the V-8 splash, 50-50(juice/water kava prep) or all juice-kava prep?
All V8 Splash, not cut with water. They are 64 ounces so 8 cups. Depending on the potency of the root I use from 8 to 16 tablespoons. I just prep the whole jug and when done pour it back in the bottle and cool it. Though a fresh jug when I don't have a spare made up usually ends up missing two cups during prep because I usually slam a couple fresh shells before bottling :)

Deleted User01

When I knead (or rare occasion), I make 2 16oz bottles and I use both coconut water and regular water. It ain't that bad but the taste gets a little stale after a week. But hey, it's kava, it's gonna taste bad so big deal if it tastes 5 percent worse after a week. The convenience is worth it in my opinion.

Mr. Kava

Kava Enthusiast
Just got me some V-8 Splash last night. Its the Tropical Blend. Going to try it out this weekend with some
fiji waka.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Seriously your gonna be blown away. The orange pineapple kind tastes even better ! But that stuff is good too :)

MAKE SURE YOU DON'T REFRIGERATE IT BEFORE MAKING KAVA , lol I made that mistake and had to throw the v8 in the microwave to get it to room temp so it would get more kavalactones