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Is the strainer/massage process necessary ?


Kava Curious

I was wondering : if we just swallow the Kava powder in water (pouring into water, stirring then drinking immediately), won't the body be able to extract itself the Kavalactones from the fibers and absorb them properly ?


Kava Curious
Yes sort of - actually swallowing the kava does heighten & extend the effect for me (I am assuming as you body extracts the kava over time) but kava is very woody and you get a lot of fiber - way too much for a happy digestive system. Plus, for me, having too much pulp has a tendency to make me sick to my stomach. Finally some kavas are ground so roughly it would literally be like drinking saw dust, not too pleasant.

Actually the straining process (using panty hose or a nylon bag) still retains a lot of the kava in your drink, it is just smaller, finer particles. So the popular method is kind of a hybrid, washing the kavalactones from the larger pieces and passing the smaller particles along to be consumed.

Slow Native

All the way!!
I feel that when I consume a "gritty" kava beverage that during the night and into the morning I've got very dry skin and "cashed" eyes.. Getting the same effect from straining that I do from drinking the excessive sediment, I think I'll go ahead and strain ;)


Kava Enthusiast
I do it all the time with very fine grounds. I find it hits me harder and longer. Ive had no concerning issues around digestion or skin, but others do report this.

I think most kavas need to be properly prepared though to extract enough resins.

kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
I know of a few people who have had a bad reaction to N@H WOW! from not straining it properly, myself included--I woke up in the middle of the night with a "hot flash" and hives, my face was flushed red and my skin was itchy all over. I tried it because I was trying to get a longer-lasting effect. It was so unpleasant that I lost my taste for kava and have only drunk kava a few times since then and I think that was in April. If you have a tendency to develop allergies not straining and swallowing the root powder might not be a good idea especially with the more potent strains, but some people seem to do fine with it.


Kava Enthusiast
I'll blend it and drink it down, root and all sometimes with finer grinds. I prefer the traditional prep, but when I'm feeling lazy it works. I've had good effects from it, long lasting for sure, good intensity. It just gives me loose poos in the morning.


Kava Curious
I didn't strain with kona once. It was horrible, drinking was fine (it was chocolate kava). It was extremely strong. I thought I was going to pass out. The problem was major dysphoria and a headache. I value tradition more than ever now.


Kava Enthusiast
I dont think you have to strain those flavored ones. I think they're designed to be instants. That said I'm amazed you felt anything from that stuff. I liked the taste of my banana stuff from them, but never felt anything remotely similar to an effect from it, lol.


Kava Enthusiast
I've had similar reactions to that described by Gray Owl. I decided not to strain once and now on 3 separate occasions since then drinking it strained, I still get the same itchy hivey reaction. Because I love kava so much, I'm going to give it yet another go before calling it quits. I'm kinda scared so I'm going to try with extract and kava candy tonight. If I still have a reaction, be prepared for a kava supply blowout sale courtesy of a very disappointed KarmaG.
The moral of the story, play it safe kids and strain your kava! (smiley: happy)


Kava Curious
Buddhacide, I don't think kona is that bad. It just has a very different taste from other kava, and isn't potent. I still have some, I'll see how I feel about it now. Last time I tried it I was very new.

And, always strain. It's worth it.


Kava Enthusiast
Do the instructions on your chocholate kava say to strain it? Just curious, I'm pretty sure my banana stuff was instant. I havent heard of a flavored kava that isn't some sort of instant intended for a broader appeal.

That's great that it works for you. Kona stuff isn't too popular because most people don't get anywhere with it. I really liked the taste, but nada as far as effects.


Kava Curious
I meant I have 1/2lb of kona root powder. The instant was a sample. If I can remember, you are suppose to strain the instants too. And, kona tastes so weird, I just want the taste of kava! makes me enjoy the nasty taste of say Borogu. It's the taste of krunkness.