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Is there a need to take a break?

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Sam Handwich

Kava Enthusiast
Just wondering if regular users regularly take a break from kava? When researching kava use online it is pretty common to find articles stating that traditional use is safe but that kava shouldn't be used continuously for more than x number of weeks (3 weeks, 4 weeks, etc..). Just wondering what the group thinks? I've been drinking pretty much daily for about 100 days now, all good so far :)

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Also it is a good recommendation in the sense of dermopathy..... however i dont listen to that hahah. I use it constantly my dermo comes and goes and barley correlates to my drinking in my opinion. it does but im saying it comes and goes regardless of if i drink more or less so who cares haha ;)

Sam Handwich

Kava Enthusiast
That's a great link, thank you! So, according to that paper it seems that the liver issues all occured while using some type of none traditional extract, like a pill or capsule, it that true? Are there any reported and proven incidents with traditional aqueous extracts? That would be a great fact to know, especially for us newbies.


All Hail Leon
That's a great link, thank you! So, according to that paper it seems that the liver issues all occured while using some type of none traditional extract, like a pill or capsule, it that true? Are there any reported and proven incidents with traditional aqueous extracts? That would be a great fact to know, especially for us newbies.
I'm not sure about that honestly. I'd be curious to see any other studies. That paper I linked to is the only scientific study I've found online so far. I'm sure there are others, perhaps just not readily available.

I can say though that not necessarily in regard to liver issues, but more in regard to dermopathy, I notice much more itching and discomfort when I use capsules as opposed to whole root or micronized.


Earth Bound
All I can say is that if you're getting dermo then a week or so's break can help stop that. I realised I needed to take a break for a while. I didn't want to, but it had to happen.
It's probably because i was getting through RT and then when it hit it was so wonderful that I wanted it daily. I did a couple of months solid and I definitely needed a break.
Another thing, I love kava in the morning (that empty stomach thing), but I would not be very productive on those days. This (morning kava) is saved for an occasional treat now when all the work for the week is done. Or if I just feel like it LOL


Kava Curious
I can drink kava every day for what seems like forever without any issues, as long as I'm staying hydrated. It even seems like drinking enough water would help prevent dermo. I have drank kava for 2-3 months with few breaks and have only ever gotten a tiny bit of dryness on my hands or lips. drinking water is key, I have to force myself to even when I don't feel thirsty or my stomach is full during a session.

I have had a few times where heavy usage caused some next day problems, but again, I think that was just dehydration.

Sam Handwich

Kava Enthusiast
3 months straight and no demo for me, I had assumed that I would have issues with it because I get terribly dry skin every winter even without kava. I don't put much effort into drinking extra water but I do drink herbal teas all day long so I think I'm pretty hydrated. Regarding kava use during the liver scare, I have searched this extensively and cannot find any references to exactly what products were being used by those that had the problems. There are plenty of references to doses (i.e. 250mg/day). Leading me to believe that they were using some type of pill. I would think that if they were using a traditional preparation the dosage would be fairly unknown. I know I certainly can't tell you what my average dose is! I would still love to see a definitive answer to this question.


It has taken me a long time to get in sync with my kava intake. I started taking it now and then, and now I take it almost daily...since being Klonopin-free for almost four months (yay me!), it is truly my medicine. But much like medicine, I don't like taking it all the time either but I do. The benefits of taking it more often than not, right now and in my opinion, outweigh the side effects from not having it in my system. Much of the time it is amazing and other times it's about feeling ...less-worse. Kava helps.


You'll be fine. Studies have to say that. If a substance has only been studied for 3 months than they say it is safe for 3 months of use. Until they do a study with years of use they cannot say that kava is safe to use everyday. Researchers would feel very shitty if they said something was safe to use for life and then 30 years later everyone who took that substance dies of cancer. The definitive answer is to find out for yourself, and trust that. Until you find a reason to take a break why take a break?

I personally don't drink kava everyday because it does make me feel physically unwell in comparison to if I don't. I end up requiring more sleep and feel a bit fatigued. Although in comparison to Alcohol, which I like to compare Kava to, the adverse effect is minimal.

And that's because I'm used to sleeping 6 hours and feeling fully awake.

And that's enough of a reason for me to not drink every night.

I enjoy Kava once every 3 days or so.
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Sam Handwich

Kava Enthusiast
@Summer , thank you for your feedback. I too would rather be medicine free but am scared to death of pharmaceuticals and have found that alcohol is NOT medicine! Do you mind sharing the amount, type and quantity of kava you use daily? I am still working out what works best for me right now.


I had to work out what was best for me, too. I have found a good balance with mahakea, 1-2 tbsp of instant in the morning and maybe 2-3 tbsp traditional prep late afternoon. Maybe more and maybe less. Sometimes I only have it once a day, sometimes none. My mind and body let me know and I listen. I could read a hundred recommendations but when all was said and done, it was what worked for me.

Sam Handwich

Kava Enthusiast
I had to work out what was best for me, too. I have found a good balance with mahakea, 1-2 tbsp of instant in the morning and maybe 2-3 tbsp traditional prep late afternoon. Maybe more and maybe less. Sometimes I only have it once a day, sometimes none. My mind and body let me know and I listen. I could read a hundred recommendations but when all was said and done, it was what worked for me.
So interesting that you mentioned Mahakea. That is the only medium grind GHK that I have tried and I liked it alot. I recently started a thread to see if anyone has any GHK sugestions for anxiety. So far Nene and Mahakea have been mentioned. Looks like I know what I'm ordering next!
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