hey i just orderd this KAVA KAVA from ebay and i was wondering what you guys think about it http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kava-Root-Extract-100-Liquid-Gels-capsules-CONCENTRATED-/110738813972?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19c88c3414#ht_1164wt_1189
it says 100% kavalactones - 75mg which is different from what ive been reading, so guys is this gonna be any good and if so in what dossage assume the information is correct, also could someone explain this reverse tolerance thing to me- thx in advance
it says 100% kavalactones - 75mg which is different from what ive been reading, so guys is this gonna be any good and if so in what dossage assume the information is correct, also could someone explain this reverse tolerance thing to me- thx in advance