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I've just had the most bizarre kava experience.....


Kava Curious
I've been wanting to try kava for years.  But I live in the UK and I am pretty sure it is banned here.  I have severe anxiety and am never relaxed, ever. 

I've tried all the usual relaxants, from Valerian to Valium.  Nothing has been particularly helpful.

I know that kava capsules are not considered "real" or effective kava.  However when I was lucky enough to be able to obtain some Kava Capsules at 30% kavalactones here in the UK, I decided to try them.  The first day I took one and felt moderately relaxed.  The second day I took one and felt very very chilled out but also very depressed and sad.  Today, the third day, I took one and I felt like i had entered heaven.  I felt serene, joyful, anxiety-free and at peace for perhaps the first time in my life.

If this is what a dose of one capsule does to me, then I am wondering how I would respond to the "real" stuff?  I've read loads of reviews and I've never heard of people having particularly intense experiences just from one 250mg capsule.

Anyone know where I can get my hands on some real kava root in the UK?


Kava Curious
I'm pretty sure the ban was lifted,

and I also thought that the ban was only on extracts, not traditional powdered root,

for example pacific kava clearly says on their front page that they ship to UK; http://www.pacifickava.net/

so just from their or maybe kava by rex, or bula, or paradise

and good luck!

btw im also using kava for anxiety, I just started this week, its also going pretty good so far, but nothing heavenly


Kava is easy to obtain in the UK. I visited there last month and arranged to have some delivered to my hotel in London. I purchased it from global kava exports which is based in Ireland. Their site has details of the legality. As I understand it Kava is legal to buy and sell in the EU, but it cannot be marketed as a medicinal product until the outcome of an appeal.

You can be crunked within a few days if you want to. (smiley: laugh)


Kava Curious
Crunked said:
Kava is easy to obtain in the UK. I visited there last month and arranged to have some delivered to my hotel in London. I purchased it from global kava exports which is based in Ireland. Their site has details of the legality. As I understand it Kava is legal to buy and sell in the EU, but it cannot be marketed as a medicinal product until the outcome of an appeal.

You can be crunked within a few days if you want to. (image)
Cheers.  Were you pleased with the product you obtained from Global Kava Exports?


Yes, I was happy with the product which was Quick Kava, aka as instant kava. Just add water and shake or stir to dissolve. It is more expensive than powdered root but you don't have to knead and strain.

You might be better off starting with powdered root. Another forum member recently said that their stock levels of kava were down, so check first.


Kava Curious
radiantmaniac said:
... I know that kava capsules are not considered "real" or effective kava.  ...


You got the wrong idea.  Sometimes capsules have non-kava stuff mixed in that makes it less "real" (though obviously effective for someone...)  And some capsules have non-root parts mixed in.  But other type of capsules are good kava, and, as you've noticed, effective.  I think it's just that after a while, many people prefer drinking grog to popping pills.  But kava affects everyone a little differently, and if you find something that works for you, excellent!  (personally I prefer instant, extracts, and candies.)

On a separate note, next time you're taking kava, you may want to start considering whether you might benefit from talking to your doctor or therapist or counselor again.  If you're usually so anxious that you're never relaxed, there may be fundamental causes that might be good to work on, now that you're in a more relaxed state of mind.  Just something to think about.


Kava Curious
sakamoto said:
radiantmaniac said:
... I know that kava capsules are not considered "real" or effective kava.  ...


On a separate note, next time you're taking kava, you may want to start considering whether you might benefit from talking to your doctor or therapist or counselor again.  If you're usually so anxious that you're never relaxed, there may be fundamental causes that might be good to work on, now that you're in a more relaxed state of mind.  Just something to think about.
Obviously consulting doctors and therapists is the first thing I tried when it came to resolving my anxiety.  I'd have to be pretty stupid not to realise that there are fundamental causes to my extreme anxiety.  Indeed I am in therapy right now and have been on and off for some years.  My anxiety stems from extreme childhood trauma (in fact I have PTSD) and it is very, very hard to dial down the anxiety and hypervigilence.  Therapy hasn't wiped out the anxiety.  I'm not interested in conventional pharmaceuticals (like Prozac etc) that the doctors offer.


Kava Curious
radiantmaniac said:
Obviously consulting doctors and therapists is the first thing I tried when it came to resolving my anxiety.  ...

OK, sorry if I sounded judgmental or anything, I just suggest therapy a lot because I myself was slow to come to it.  Best wishes for everything!


Kava Curious
sakamoto said:
radiantmaniac said:
Obviously consulting doctors and therapists is the first thing I tried when it came to resolving my anxiety.  ...

OK, sorry if I sounded judgmental or anything, I just suggest therapy a lot because I myself was slow to come to it.  Best wishes for everything!
Thanks Sakamoto!