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Just for fun, what to try next...


Kava Curious
In a few weeks I should have a little extra money to spend and I'm thinking of trying a new kava.  I've been waiting for KBRs isa/Tudei, but it's been out for awhile, so I'm open to some other options.  I've tried Chiefs Jungle, Van3, Tongan Pride, Kona, Boroguru, Borogu, Fiji Waka and some extract.  I'd prefer to order from a familiar source.  I'm also still kind of cheap.  Of the above, my favorites are Van3, Fiji Waka and Boroguru.  Any one have some other suggestions?  Or just their own list of kavas tried and their favorites?


Kava Enthusiast
Hawaiian Kava Center has been on break since April 16th. They should be back open on the 28th. I've never order from them but hear good things. Just an idea if you want to try something new.


Indeed, Hawaiian Kava Center is great. Great selection, great customer service, great prices. I haven't tried much of their kava, I think I may actually have only tried their Hiwa and that stuff was just awesome. I believe Vesuvio Cat reviewed it on his blog too.

There is also Kcikbackwithkava or as they're now known as Kulea Farm Company, which has always been great. Their Fiji kava is excellent and their PNG selection if they still have it will floor me every time. My first kava and supplies were ordered from them back in the day, they hold a special place in my heart lol. Their prices have gone up though :( They used to be on par with KBR and BKH and HKC but now they're more with N@H in terms of price.


Kava Enthusiast
Try some bee mellow from Paradise or some instant from Gary with realkava.com.  Both are great without all the work of squeezing the root.


Kava Enthusiast
CarolinaBC said:
Try some bee mellow from Paradise or some instant from Gary with realkava.com.  Both are great without all the work of squeezing the root.
I second the instant suggestion. Both the Kava Kwick from realkava.com and Instant Green from BKH are really good. I was looking at the Bee Mellow and wondering how it stacked up to Paradise Kava's extract. Is it supposed to be taken sublingually like PK's? I'd like to hear more about it since I'm considering placing another order in the near future and may tack this on as a treat-myself bonus.


Kava Enthusiast
I made a mistake-I've never had the bee mellow from Kava Kauai.  I got the honey extract from Paradise and it is nice.  I brought some to a baseball game and it was real pleasant.  It is a paste and you just put it in your mouth and hold it there as long as you can.  Between that and the instant from Kava Kauai you can sneak a session in almost anytime.


Kava Enthusiast
No worries. I completely agree that the honey lemon extract from Paradise is very nice as well as the chocolate orange extract. I actually prefer the taste of the chocolate one. It's easy to get carried away, though, because it's so damn tasty. Effects are mildly relaxing. If you're looking for something more heavy-hitting, I'd go for an instant.


The thing I love about the paradise kava co2 extracts is that they look like lip balm. Very easy to travel with and were surprisingly potent when I tried them last year. I haven't had the newer batch though. I personally find it pretty cool to get near krunked on an airplane.


Kava Enthusiast
Try stone from N@H, I think that is the best that N@H has to offer. I've never tried the WOW as the price just seems a little outragous. I think I'm actually going to try a totally untested vender and order Samoan kavs from paradisegyspy and see how it is, the shipping will take a while as it's coming from Samoa but I'd like to see how it is as that is a country I've never had kava from. I've had several from Vanatu and ones from; Fiji, Tonga, Papua New Guinia as well as well as Hawaii but nothing from Somoa. I'm also thinking of trying frozen kava, paradise's frozen looks nice but having a order 120$ worth at a whack kinda offsets me. KBR has frozen frsh kava for 25$ a pound that I'm thinking about going for, I'm just waiting for tudei to come back as that was pretty much the fire.


Kava Curious
I bought some tudei, but I think I will check out stone when I finally get that extra paycheck. Turns out it will be delayed another month : (.