I am recovering from what my doctor diagnosed as a bacterial infection on the skin of my face, Erysipelas as it is known. I told him about my kava drinking (started about 3 months ago) and asked was this a possible delayed allergic reaction to kava. He didn't believe so. Basically I had a swollen upper face that was hot like a sun burn with rash like bumps over the affected area. However, I also have a rash which is very itchy covering a large part of my body from the waist up. I'm on antibiotics and had to take cortisone for three days to get swelling down. The itchy rash is still here though. I am thinking of taking a very low dose of kava after finishing the antibiotics to test any possible reaction. would be grateful to hear if anyone has any knowledge of kava allergic or non allergic but random reactions. I don't want to stop taking kava but am worried that I might turn into the elephant man again if do start drinking. Was my dose too high, I would typically have a little less than half a cup of root every couple of days. Had been mostly using fu'u up until recently when I got some coconut kava from Vanuatu, which I thought was absolutely terrible tasting even though its supposed to be a tasty kava with the coconut. anyway if anyone has any experience with any reactions or any knowledge. i'm trying to decide if it is worth it to take kava again. Even though the doc didn't think it was a reaction to kava there is no way to know for sure without blood tests or skin biopsy.
Cheers for reading. Guess i'm just a bit depressed at the thought of not having my kava.
I am recovering from what my doctor diagnosed as a bacterial infection on the skin of my face, Erysipelas as it is known. I told him about my kava drinking (started about 3 months ago) and asked was this a possible delayed allergic reaction to kava. He didn't believe so. Basically I had a swollen upper face that was hot like a sun burn with rash like bumps over the affected area. However, I also have a rash which is very itchy covering a large part of my body from the waist up. I'm on antibiotics and had to take cortisone for three days to get swelling down. The itchy rash is still here though. I am thinking of taking a very low dose of kava after finishing the antibiotics to test any possible reaction. would be grateful to hear if anyone has any knowledge of kava allergic or non allergic but random reactions. I don't want to stop taking kava but am worried that I might turn into the elephant man again if do start drinking. Was my dose too high, I would typically have a little less than half a cup of root every couple of days. Had been mostly using fu'u up until recently when I got some coconut kava from Vanuatu, which I thought was absolutely terrible tasting even though its supposed to be a tasty kava with the coconut. anyway if anyone has any experience with any reactions or any knowledge. i'm trying to decide if it is worth it to take kava again. Even though the doc didn't think it was a reaction to kava there is no way to know for sure without blood tests or skin biopsy.
Cheers for reading. Guess i'm just a bit depressed at the thought of not having my kava.