I greatly prefer kava to alcohol. The effects I get are usually all the good things about alcohol (relaxed, lowered inhibitions, more open, less stress/anxiety) but without any of the bad (impaired judgement, loss of motor skills, generally doing stupid things). And even after the initial intoxication, the lowered anxiety seems to last for days afterwords, whereas, as soon as the alcohol wears off, I feel worse.
There's a few reasons it's not popular. The first thing you run into when you look into kava is usually the liver warnings, which have been proven false, but will always have that stigma. The taste... Sadly, you never really get used to the taste, you just get used to dealing with it. And the reverse tolerance. It sounds like you lucked out on this one, but most people will need to drink kava for a while, even a month or two, before they feel any effects, which takes quite a bit of dedication, considering how bad it tastes. And most kava drinkers prefer that it stays unpopular. Once it starts getting too much attention, the FDA will step in and ruin the enjoyment for everyone.
I agree for the most part, I'm just annoyed by the fact that consuming a plant that most people don't know about makes you weird. Unless explained very well, I find that peoples first thoughts are "legal high". But alcohol on the other hand, that's a staple of any human social event, even though its effects are much worse than kavas (in my opinion anyways).