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Kava and beer


Kava Curious
I have recently been made aware of the existance of kava, I enjoy it despite its horrible taste... do you guy find you like kava better then say booze?  The first time I tried kava I got intoxicated though I have only done it 3 times now so I perhaps don't have the full effect.  I just can't help but notice noone knows about kava which suprises me why is it such a secret if it is indeed so enjoyable?


Pretentious, Wannabe Philosopher
I'm glad you're enjoying it and having effects so early in the game. I personally find its effects more "stoney" than those of alcohol. But the quick answer--in my opinion, and I'm sure many would disagree--to why it's unknown and widely unused in areas other than those of its origin is the fact that if it were to gain mass popularity as an alcohol substitute, or god forbid, maybe a replacement, it would quickly drain money from an extremely profitable industry run by powerful people who enjoy that profitability. Another more localized reason may be the fact that people give up on it before finding out what it's really about. I've seen dozens of people on Bluelight and similar forums buy kava pills or paste which have a reputation of being anything bar effective, and then proceed to call kava a "bunk" substance. Those are just the two reasons I can think of and personally noticed, but I'm sure some others have some more detailed and thoughtful responses for you. Good luck, and I hope you continue to enjoy the possibly life-changing effects of kava!


Kava Curious
I greatly prefer kava to alcohol.  The effects I get are usually all the good things about alcohol (relaxed, lowered inhibitions, more open, less stress/anxiety) but without any of the bad (impaired judgement, loss of motor skills, generally doing stupid things).  And even after the initial intoxication, the lowered anxiety seems to last for days afterwords, whereas, as soon as the alcohol wears off, I feel worse.
There's a few reasons it's not popular.  The first thing you run into when you look into kava is usually the liver warnings, which have been proven false, but will always have that stigma.  The taste...  Sadly, you never really get used to the taste, you just get used to dealing with it.  And the reverse tolerance.  It sounds like you lucked out on this one, but most people will need to drink kava for a while, even a month or two, before they feel any effects, which takes quite a bit of dedication, considering how bad it tastes.  And most kava drinkers prefer that it stays unpopular.  Once it starts getting too much attention, the FDA will step in and ruin the enjoyment for everyone.
I agree for the most part, I'm just annoyed by the fact that consuming a plant that most people don't know about makes you weird.  Unless explained very well, I find that peoples first thoughts are "legal high".  But alcohol on the other hand, that's a staple of any human social event, even though its effects are much worse than kavas (in my opinion anyways).


Kava Enthusiast
IMO there's no comparison between kava & booze...none whatsoever. Try drinking alcohol to the point of intoxication & then compare that to drinking kava to the same point & see you feel afterwards. Thats all the proof you need. Why even bother w/ something so crude & wrought w/ addiction & vomiting side effects as alcohol? In retrospect I wonder how much better my life would be had I began w/ kava as opposed to alcohol, although I never became addicted to alcohol I did become somewhat dependent on it and it never provided what kava does. I haven't drank alcohol in 2 years and can't see ever doing it again.


Kava Enthusiast
ImSoCold2323 said:
I agree for the most part, I'm just annoyed by the fact that consuming a plant that most people don't know about makes you weird.  Unless explained very well, I find that peoples first thoughts are "legal high".

Yes.  When I went through a group treatment program for alcohol addiction, there was a guy in there claiming to have abused "kava kava" on a regular basis in addition to alcohol, benzos, and pain killers. Nobody except me knew what he was talking about, but even he did not have a true understanding of kava.  What he had been taking was an ethanol kava extract that he found in some eclectic bookstore that also sold herbal "remedies."  He would go on and on about how "kava kava is an extremely potent sedative that destroys your liver."  Apparently it was $15 for a 3 oz bottle of this stuff and he would drink several each day.  If he got anything out of it, it was probably 3 oz of 180 proof alcohol and an empty bank account.  Everyone thought this guy was weird, to your point ImSoCold2323.

I just kept my mouth shut.  At least I know I won't have to compete for true kava with those people.


Kava Enthusiast
I don't think kava will ever give me the same intensity as alcohol would, but to me there is no question which one is better. As I've said before, kava is what I wanted alcohol to be. Since I found kava, and got past the reverse tolerance, I really haven't had a desire for alcohol. I still drink, but for social reasons, or because I know my wife likes to celebrate with drink. Without external influences I'd probably just not bother with alcohol from now on, except for the occasional trip to a quality microbrewery... and then, it's really just about enjoying the taste, not about seeking effect.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I'm glad we're not mainstream to be honest. When something gets popular it gets abused and warped by people who only want to get money out of it. I prefer kava far more to alcohol. I don't even drink alcohol of any kind anymore. The only thing I use it for is cooking like grilling or Post Roasts.

People don't think I'm weird for using it...well ok...some do. But I've converted a few of them to kava. Pain, sleep, getting off benzos...the reasons are varied. You'd be surprised how people warm up to kava once you give them the history and info to do with it what they want. It's an acquired taste that's not suited to everyone but those that have joined the kava drinking community really enjoy it.


Kava Enthusiast
Now if only Paradise Kava would come out w/ a Dbl chocolate 4x as strong 75gr extract. I'd gladly pay $100 a bottle for that dream...hint-hint Adil?


Kava Enthusiast
Add my voice to the chorus of folks who've foregone alcohol in favor of kava.  I was never a huge drinker to begin with, but I've had maybe twelve drinks in the last twelve months, and that's entirely due to social obligation.


Kava Curious
While I'm still new to kava - the only thing I'd prefer about alcohol is the taste. I love a good crown and coke, or better - a good strong margarita. Pretty sensitive to bad smells and tastes, so to me, kava taste is almost intolerable. Almost. At least at this point.

But, the effects are a lot better. No sloppy drunkenness, don't do stupid things, don't get angry/belligerent. And the fact that if you want the good stuff, you have to prepare it yourself, will turn off lazy people who like the convenience of alcohol.


Kava Enthusiast
The taste improves. When I first started w/ extract it tasted like shoe polish, now I love the taste. Then again Paradise Kava is THE best tasting extract I've ever tasted & is THE only form of extract I buy. Its expensive....but well worth it.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I only see kava as good 'replacement' for alcohol if you want to stop your reliance on alcohol as your daily(nightly) relaxant. Or if you simply hate alcohol but wanna have something to unwind with that's not as potentially harmful.Other than that I don't consider them similar or interchangeable at all in other circumstances: Parties, social gatherings that might go late, concerts, nightclub, anything that requires being pretty active, letting loose, adventures, big crazy conversations and laughter...all these things are much better suited to the effects of alcohol. Maybe kava just affects me differently, but, all those things would absolutely miserable if i had to do them kava'd out. yet, they are all things i enjoy doing.
 Kava wins (for me) if i'm gonna do something like watch a movie at home, sit at the beach in the evening, hang out with a few friends and have light conversation, pick up a little bit around the house and then go to bed...it's good at relaxing you for the typical, possibly boring, nightly routine and then getting good sleep after.


Kava Enthusiast
I agree with that, and kava really did replace alcohol for me in that "unwind at home" scenario. I used to come home totally stressed out, stop by the grocery store for a six pack. I'd go home and drink most of it and feel like crap in the morning, never really satisfied. Now I effectively never have any desire to buy beer for at-home use.


Kava Curious
I don't understand the Liver stigma. Alcohol will for sure kill your liver, no question.

Kava will never replace Alcohol, its a huge industry with a lot of money to pass around.

I prefer kava. It is easier for me to function and not over do it on kava. Alcohol, its all or none for me lol.


Kava Curious
I find kava to be like shakas put it a replacement... I still drink beer but on days I feel worse or want to feel better the next day I have been using kava... especially if I have to get up early the next day.  The two biggest problems for me so far with kava is the cost, right now it takes me quite a bit to feel some effects which I suppose will get cheaper with time but also the taste, its to the point that I don't know if I can drink it regularly because it is so hard to get down!... I am going to try the kava candies and see if that works better.