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Kava and hair loss


Kava Curious
Does any one have information on kava causing hair loss? Some google searches come up with this. Any experinces anyone?


Kava Curious
Reason I asked.
Skin and Hair Effects
Taking kava kava over
a long period of time can have side effects involving the skin. Skin-related
symptoms induced by kava kava include a dry, scaly rash on the skin.
Additionally, the skin may take on a yellow appearance called jaundice, which is
actually related to liver damage. Additionally, some people have noted unusual
hair loss called alopecia after taking kava kava.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/387668-is-kava-kava-a-safe-herb/#ixzz2Di3nJTmV

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Gotcha, well honestly I've never heard of alopecia associated with kava in anyone's personal experience. However, it does make sense if you're consuming gallons of prepared kava and first don't notice the dermapothy and continue on until you interrupt the hair follicle itself. As with the skin condition the effects are reversed when the consumption is reduced or stopped. Always know the source, as it seems these studies were performed with "standardized kava extracts" which up until rencently were mainly created with ethanol and/or other solvents. I went through google, and also could not find reference to the alopecia claim made by university of Maryland. I've gone thought their works cited and, although some are inaccessible, I cannot find the reference to alopecia. Anything's possible but I can't seem to find an article with the information.


Kava Lover
The problem that you mentioned with jaundice is that a lot of studies have used the worst possible kava products for you in order for the FDA to get the results they wanted to scare people away from kava. When prepared the traditional way with jut root and water there really isn't evidence of liver damage. I know some of the guys on here sometimes get liver checks and everything is a ok. So u don't have to worry about that. As far as hair loss, I have never heard of such a thing. And as far as I know, the people of Vanuatu (where kava originated from) still have full heads of hair.