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Kava and Liver health


Kava Curious
I'm new to the forums, but I've been drinking kava for about 2 years now.  I saw this TV news story a few weeks ago about a Florida man who claims to have had an adverse reaction to kava that resulted in liver failure.  I emphasize that this is a TV news story and not a medical report or case study, so we obviously have no idea about this guy's background, but just wondered what your thoughts were.
My immediate impressions:1. They describe this as a rare allergic reaction, which seems to be in line with recent medical reports.2. They do not provide much background info on the man (alcohol, drug use both legal and illegal, etc.)3. They give kava drinkers a chance to speak, which is always a plus.


Kava Enthusiast
have you had your liver levels checked? I try to do it every 8 months. So far I had 2 done, the dr. was not concerned. I don't use extracts, just water and root...often.


Kava Curious
That's good to hear.  I've thought about doing regular tests, I've never had any problems or symptoms but I think it would put my mind at ease.  I've drank kava for two years and it's helped me to stop drinking alcohol altogether (and get back into shape as a result), so it's probably been healthier for me in that respect.  I too only drink root kava from reliable sellers (listed on this forum) and enjoy the occasional CO2 extract from Paradise or Kona Kava.


Kava Curious
Well, I just got my liver checked and received the results (through Health Testing Centers online http://www.healthtestingcenters.com to avoid the doctor inquisition, its pricey but I am satisfied with the service). Everything appears to be normal. The only result flagged as "high" was my cholesterol :(

My GGT levels were a little high, but within the reference interval or normal ranges. This is consistent with research that found elevated levels of GGT in "heavy" kava drinkers which recedes once they stop drinking kava for a few weeks (http://www.ahpa.org/porta..._Kava_Special_Report.pdf ). Other factors that might have affected this value include the fact that I do take a multivitamin and Tylenol/Aspirin for headaches, and I occasionally have a drink or two of alcohol, including a 3-4 drinks within 36-48 hours before the test. I also took a 5mg ambien pill the night before the test to help me sleep. I didn't drink any kava for 3 days before the test.

Here are my results, a 27-year-old, white male, kava drinker for 2 1/2 years (approximately 2-4 shells per day, 4-5 days a week):

LDH: 215 (0-225)

AST: 28 (0-55)

ALT: 40 (0-65)

GGT: 61 (65)

Total Protein: 7.2 (6.0 - 8.5)

Albumin: 4.8 (3.5-5.5)

Globulin: 2.4 (1.5-4.5)

A/G Ratio: 2.0 (1.1-2.5)

Bilirubin Total: .4 (.0-1.2)

Alkaline Phosphatase: 88 (25-150)


That's a really interesting website alohasteve, I want to try it out but I'm confused, how do they receive your blood sample?

I want to get a liver test done, I've been using Kava (root powder and water) almost nightly (3 - 5 shells 4 - 6 days of the week) for about 3 weeks so far and would like to get a good look at how my liver is putting up with it. In my understanding the only effects that have been observed in the liver with traditional preparations are elevated enzymes, which are easily reversible with discontinued use. The more I read on Kava and the liver, the less Kava I have been drinking and the more weary I am about it, naturally.

I really wish there were more solid studies related to Kava and the liver, hopefully soon.


Kava Curious
Here's how it works: you place your order online through the website and they email you a bloodwork order from a doctor. Then, you simply go to a Labcorp testing site (make sure there's one near you), they draw your blood, and then you receive your results in one day via email. You do need to fast the morning of the liver test (which sucks) and it costs about $80 total. For me it was worth the peace of mind.


Awesome, thanks for the info! There's a site in my town, will have to try it out for my own peace of mind