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Kava and Stomach Contents....

So several times in my reading I saw people say that drinking kava on an empty stomach was the best way to go.  The first time I tried kava I had fire Island instant mix and a full stomach.  It felt wonderful.  So I thought to myself  "I can't wait for tomorrow and try it with an empty stomach".  The following day I drink a 2 packets of instant shaman on an empty stomch.  I felt about half the effects from the previous day.  Feeling slightly dissapointed I finished cooking dinner.  About halfway through my meal of crabs and artichokes my mind was blown. I had about double the feeling from the night before, I was hardly able to stand up straight.  Anybody have an explanation for this???  I read about adding the lechitin or cream for a fat, is it possible that the butter I was dipping my crabs and artichokes in set the kava already in my belly into overdrive???


Kava Enthusiast
I've had the instant only on an empty stomach. But with root powder, if I didn't have an empty stomach, the effects are far less and the probability of having nausea increases. Eating a hot small meal 30-40 mins after the last shell kicks up the feelings again. I'm thinking it has to do with temperature, because drinking hot water will produce similar effects.

Also, kava on the 2nd consecutive day is always nicer than the first..


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
It's different for me.

It doesn't matter if I've eaten or not, It's the same for me. If I eat before drinking kava I just end up feeling like an over-stuffed pork roast.