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Kava and Your Stomach


Kava Curious
I occasionally see someone mention that, every now and then, kava will mess with their stomach, give them the runs, whatever.
Is this the general consensus?  You're normally fine, but occasionally, maybe with certain strains, it could give you problems?
I ask because I've been drinking for about 5 months and, to be frank, I look forward to the rare days where I can actually take a solid dump.  That and my gas has become so foul and pungent that I'm afraid to let people into my apartment anymore.  And if I stop drinking for a week, I'm fine again.  Some strains seem worse than others (or it could be coincidence at this point), but I have yet to find a strain that doesn't give me any problems.
So is this something you just get used to, or is my stomach particularly sensitive to kava?


Kava Enthusiast
When I toss-n-wash I'll sometimes have an explosive poo in the morning, but that's about it.


The only time I had a problem was when I used a blender and then strained. I think the blender was so effective at micronizing the particles it was virtually the same as toss and wash. I had explosive diarrhea the next day. (smiley: sick)


Kava Curious
I do the "modern traditional" prep, kava in Fijian bag, massage for 5-10 minutes.  I use only water.  I have yet to try toss-n-wash.
Problems aren't always "explosive", but there's a definite lack of regularity... and solidity...
And now that I think about it, kava's always made me gassy, but the smelliness may be a recent thing due to a particular strain I've been using a lot of lately.
I think my problem is that I'm not consistent with the strains I use.  I essentially have at least one bag of every strain from all the major vendors, so I'm constantly switching it up.  It's rare that I use the same strain for two sessions in a row.  And I'm constantly mixing them as well.  I think I just need to focus on one strain at a time to clearly determine how each affects me... or my stomach anyways.
Either way, I'm kind of glad to hear that this isn't normal.


Yup. In my experience this has been just part of the territory of kava. Well, not the gas. I'm fine there, but digestive - speaking, dude, not even funny. I always figure the cause is the fact that I, for the most part, don't even use a strainer anymore. When I do strain however everything is normal.

Definitely focus on what strains cause this effect for you and, if it is based on strain, avoid them.


Kava Curious
I don't have any problems, but a few of my friends have complained of serious stomach aches after trying it. Borogu in particular affects my wife, but with Fu'u she was fine. I think it depends on the strain and the person.


Kava Enthusiast
No stomach problems to speak of here, but I have always had a solid stomach. The one time I overdid it though, my stomach contents ended up in a trail from my bedroom to the toilet. Kava does not come out of cream colored carpet very well.


May the Brew be with you
my feeling is that it gets worse when I use micronized Kava and strain only once. Then there is too much powder left in the water

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Drinking unstrained isa will eventually cause some stomach problems. Before I relented and went with the traditional method I was drinking tudei straight up from HKC. I could barely, and I do mean barely keep that stuff in. It doesn't bother me since I switched and the only unpleasant effect I experience now is the overall "kava dry" I get after a batch of stone.