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Kava and..


Kava Enthusiast
I find the use of Kava helpful, most of you guys have seen my posts regarding kava and various medical topics as well as my own issues. Kava has helped a lot but there are downsides to it. I will list my benefits and negatives after roughly a years use.


- top notch anxiolytic, not as strong as benzos, however, it has a some benefits for anxiety like contentment that I rarely experience from benzos. This is perhaps due to the MAOB inhibition something that gives a nice mild euphoria
-Great for pain, Particularly muscular pain.
-Good for insomnia, I haven't really found a strain that doesn't help with sleep, tongan pride even helps,some knock you out but some let you sleep hours after consumption.
-Great for stress induced health concerns, things like GERD, tension headaches, nausea etc.
-social anxiety and lubricant, not the best thing I have used as it dumbs me a little and I am not sharp like I like to be. It would more so rank as a drug that reduces background noise moreso then increase social rewards, which is a component of social anxiety. Things like amphetamine or MJ work better but have bigger drawbacks.
- Keeps you cognition relatively intact even at high doses.
-no tolerance, no addiction, this is the best aspect as others who have attempted to medicate for similar issues will point out. Whether self or doctor prescribed.

- can be depressive in high doses, particularly after several krunk nights.
- can dry you out, without proper hydration you will feel this the next day
-can fatigue and rob motivation at times, to content almost
- taste is not so hot, really not an issue for me.
- hangover at times (dose related as is the depressive effect)

Kava also combines well with other medications. With amphetamine as low doses it smooths the drug out (for the ADHD'ers among us) and with weed it allows weed to keep its motivational antidepressive effect while eliminating the anxiety/paranoia.

What things have you combined kava with to eliminate and or accentuate it's benefits/effects?


Kava Enthusiast
I recently took passionflower and l-theanine with kava at night and I had to fight to make it to my bed before it knocked me out. Individually all 3 can make you sleepy, but together it was very powerful.

I am curious to try kanna with kava, kanna sounds very interesting as a potentiator and anxiolytic and am curious how it would work with kava. Also from what I've read kanna has no known side effects.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
I've honestly not experienced much in the way of hangover, fatigue, etcetera. The worst side effect for me has probably the been dry skin. Lack of motivation to do difficult things while krunked is another problem I have, on the other hand I find getting menial chores done like laundry is very easy on kava.


Kava Enthusiast
kavadude said:
I've honestly not experienced much in the way of hangover, fatigue, etcetera. The worst side effect for me has probably the been dry skin. Lack of motivation to do difficult things while krunked is another problem I have, on the other hand I find getting menial chores done like laundry is very easy on kava.
Ditto all that.


Kava Enthusiast
yeah, for me dry skin is the worst problem. Also styes on my eyelids, thats really annoying.

I actually am more productive on kava because it takes away my back pain


Kava Enthusiast
Kanna is good has some serotonin reuptake properties, it would combine well me thinks.

kava and valerian is really good for insomnia.


Kava Enthusiast
NDG, have you heard of any contraindications for use of kanna? or is it relatively safe as far as you know. I am really new to it and hesitant to try new things