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Kava as Aphrodisiac

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Capitán Bastos

If both my wife and I indulge, she will take initiative and I've notice enhanced enjoyment from certain kavas.
However, If I go at it alone, I'm more likely to find such activities frivolous and unwarranted.
Yerba Mate is the stuff for me, my wife is the most gorgeous and fun woman ever, but working these crazy hours having all these things on my mind, is tiring.
I was offered a cigarette with very expensive and peculiar smelling oregano once or twice and that spiced up my life.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Yeah it really depends.
I think it's huge matter of dosage.
I mean I'm really never in the mood not to .. even after if Mrs binx is insatiable that night .
But Ive definitley been a certain krunk where it's the last thing on my mind. But to be fare at that point moving is just a pain and my ears are ringing.

Other times I've had certain kavas just make me outright freaking horny. What I assume is what kavassuer experienced is this feeling.
I've had it from cannabis too but this feels different .

Oddly enough susun weed ( whom oddly prepares kava by leaving roots in hot water over night, she never learned the right way I guess) mentions about kava that it's real helpful in bed for her for motivation. Which lends itself directly to the concept of her taking initiative after kava.
Sex anxiety is huge and kava can def. Help that for someone who struggles with it
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Deleted User01

I think Kava relaxes everyone and stuff happens when people get "relaxed".


Kava Enthusiast
Agreed, take away the stresses of modern life and all your left with is the primal urges.
I think that pretty much nails it.
Kava always makes me pretty randy, especially when it first starts kicking in. I think that as the
crap of life starts falling away, one's libido tends to increase.

The same thing happens when going on vacation. Can't get enough... Just not having do deal with all the stresses of work and
home life makes a huge different.


Kava Enthusiast
Dude..... Kava as an aphrodisiac. Please tell me what strain because my marriage could use something before me falling asleep before the baby does!!!!! ::chugger::::awesomenessz::


Kava Lover
Sadly it also makes you a bit numb or uninspired at times too, no telling for me, mostly based on dosage i think. No question its more prominent in females from my observations
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