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Kava bing drinking


Kava Lover
This is usually how it is when I get a new batch of kava in the post, I bing drink every night for probably about the first week or so. Anybody else do this is well? And if so how much kava are you using? It takes about 6 tablespoons in 3 cups water to get me krunk and then I do a second squeeze on the same root with about 2 cups water. If I'm going just for a relaxation then I will use 4 tablespoons to 2 cups water. Any body else go through kava binges like this?


Kava Enthusiast
There was a while where I was going through about a lb a week basically making 1 cup of root to a gallon of water batches and getting heavily krunked out almost every day. I've chilled recently and go through a lb every 2 1/2-3 weeks. Back when I was getting kilos of kava and 100 gram tins of instant green to boot, I was binging pretty heavy. I found there is definately a point where you cross over reverse tolerance into outright tolerance, so I try to not cross that line.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I drink 1/2 cup root to 12 oz of water nightly. Have been for 7 years. So binge may have different connotations. Too much kava is never something I shoot for. Overkrunked can be a not-so-good feeling.

uuku pi

Kava Enthusiast
I drink every day. It makes me happy. It makes me feel like I used to feel before I got hurt. It is not like any other thing I have tried. In 2 months my back pain is almost gone. I no longer think it tastes bad. Kava is my friend. My brain works better. I do not make it as strong as some of you do,but I do not weigh much. I love reading what all of you say. I am learning:)


Kava Enthusiast
I do the binge stuff. However, lately I've been drinking the latest black bag and it seems meh to me, is this just me? I had black bag earlier and felt ok, then had some of the kt super van and I'm absolutely lifted now. Just slammed in the face. Black bag has this cozy feeling effect I can't relate to other kavas, almost opiate like, it's comfortable. However, when I first tried it my girlfriend asked if i was drunk lol.


Kava Lover
I know what you mean kapmcrunk, there is definitely a line between krunk and over krunk, I have only reached the over krunk level on a couple occasions, I don't entirely mind it though, I just get much much more dizzy


haha, yeah. I just binge like every night. Probably not recommended. I'm at 1 cup of kava ever night or every other night depending on who is over at my place and what they're doing. lol.

I haven't drank kava the last few days though, I was put on meds for "mania" recently but since I think kava works better I'm just gonna go back to our beloved root.


Kava Curious
Ever since i discovered Kava in Maui 1 month ago, i've been on a binge. As noted in another post though, the next day around 3ish my stomach gets real upset, until i chug a couple shells.

I wonder if there is any comedown if stopped suddenly after binging? I live in Canada so I have to ensure my kava lasts cause it takes a few weeks to arrive.


Kava Lover
I've never actually taken the step to try the one cup kava ratio. But this is just because I try to budget and don't want to go through it too fast. But if I had a larger kava budget then I would be doing that every night as well haha. And isnt it funny how a plant still works better that lab created crap? Haha.


Kava Curious
im gonna try that tomorrow. it got to the point today where i thought maybe i couldn't drink anymore kava, but new if I did, it would completely take away the unsettledness.

So i'm gonna try your suggestion!(smiley: smile)


Kava Curious
I'd say I use about 4 - 6 tablespoons of root powder 5 nights a week.....does this make me a binge drinker? You're scaring me now! (I try to take a week or so off a month, some months this happens more often than others. It will not be happening this month, for example.) I sometimes worry about how much I drink kava, but it really helps me. And it does make me happy. I have no idea what my liver tests look like, but I haven't noticed negative effects of kava.


Kava Lover
Don't concern yourself, I say the more kava the better! It's not like binging on alcohol where you go out, raise hell, and do things you
Wouldn't normally do. Kava simply helps people relax and see more
Clearly :) 6 tablespoons has been my go to amount as of recently


Kava Enthusiast
I binge with most things it seems. If I get on a kick I go with it pretty hard. When I was drinking a lot of alcohol that became a problem, kava not so much. I think you can pretty safely drink nightly without it affecting your life negatively.


Kava Lover
I think kava is by far the safest thing to binge on, or even just taking it nightly as a sleep aid. So many wonderful things this plant does!


Kava Curious
i bought some zantac and popped a few at around the time I get stomach issues...usually 3pm the next day after kava. I feel great so that was a great suggestion. The only problem is that I've been drinking Kava nightly for the last month, which means i've gotta pop these antacids daily...anyone know if this does any harm?


Kava Lover
Not to my knowledge. I'm pretty sure antacids are pretty much just something like baking soda that reacts with acids in your body and they cancel each other out, so I can't see how it would be harmful.