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Kava boosts stamina

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Kava Curious
I've been drinking kava for a long time but I've been running for longer. I've noticed that a lot of my PR run times have come during periods of kava use. I've made breakthroughs I'm sure I wouldn't have made without it. I don't ever drink it right before going on a run but the day after there's a magic, or if I drink a light brew about 3-4 hours before a run. Caution should be taken as its a diuretic. If you drink enough water with it then it can help boost endurance.

I say this because I've noticed a substantial boost in stamina when I've recently drank a brew as apposed to not having had any. In the late half-life it has subtle painkilling qualities, making it possible to run faster without much perceived effort. It also gives you a certain, natural emotional energy.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
Please be careful if you want to try combining kava and exercise. Drink plenty of water and electrolytes and eat enough carbs. If you get the ratio right it can work wonders. I've also gotten the ratio way off and instead of helping me run faster it made me nauseous.
what I do with tennis or rowing is sip small amounts as I go. Nothing on earth better than some nambawan, a rowboat, and bluetooth speaker with weird tunes full blast.
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