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Kava changed my wife


Kava Enthusiast
so recently(since my son was born dec17 2012) i have been sharing my kava with my wife. so its been a little over 2 months and i have really noticed since she has be gun near daily usage with me that she has been much more easy going, relaxed, less argumentative, seems more well rested (even with less sleep). by the way her favorite is Hawaiian because of the great taste and pleasant effects. when she drinks sometimes likes to put the headphones on and sings aloud.


Kava Lover
Congrats on your new addition to the family! And I'm glad to hear that the wifey is hopping on the kava train with you!


Kava Lover
Quote removed due to privacy request
too bad my ex wouldn't drink kava.. Wait, no, I take that back. I once gave her a shell of nambawan and the result was giggly obnoxiousness whilst I was writing a paper.


Kava Enthusiast
thanks krunkedout. yeah also my wife is very anti drug so

This is very exciting that she gave kava a fair shot. But yeah

I have force fed her a shell or two in the beginning when she

Was really pissed off and it did seem to help a lot. I can't wait to

Try the paradise extract with her when it arrives.


Kava Lover
el187joker said:
thanks krunkedout. yeah also my wife is very anti drug so

This is very exciting that she gave kava a fair shot. But yeah

I have force fed her a shell or two in the beginning when she

Was really pissed off and it did seem to help a lot. I can't wait to

Try the paradise extract with her when it arrives.
even anti drug people have a drug of choice. For example, my mothers drug of choice is sewing and reading the bible


Kava Lover
el187joker said:
Ha wow my moms is also reading the bible and crafting.
I recently gave mine a pack of kava candy but I don't think she has even opened it because she's afraid it's going to mess her up or make her high or something lol


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I've given a few of my married and otherwise taken friends kava. It might have even helped save a marriage or two. Not so much that it calmed him/her down, more like helped them take the other person's petty crap easier. I just supply the kava though, I don't make it a point to actually know what's going on.


Kava Enthusiast
I suppose your son was born on Dec. 17, 2012 and not 10 months into the future... But I digress...

Perhaps your wife had an ongoing anxiety issue that manifested itself in the negative attributes you described. Kava has seemed to quash that. Make sure she doesn't develop dermopathy though or my guess is the kava drinking would go completely out the window. That is, seeing how females place such an importance on body image.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
KavaKrunked said:
I suppose your son was born on Dec. 17, 2012 and not 10 months into the future... But I digress...
Future babies is one of the side effects the Kava industry doesn't want you to know about.