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Kava CO2 extract/PASTE


Kava Curious
hi Iam in UK - need helpful advice UK SUPPLIER
I need to take kava for medical purposes so it must be reliable kavalactone content. UNTIL they got shut down I was taking global export anxious animal paste. It works really well for me. I can’t take powdered root - in any form, even micronised, causes severe stomach reaction. Even with using micro mesh.
I’ve found co2 extract by kona farm on eBay. How do you take co2 extract? It looks like golden lip salve....
But I was warned Kona farm is not noble kava....has this changed?
The paste suits me best- is their a reliable provider to UK ? Appreciate advice....


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Thanks @verticity but we've had a conversation and I haven't got any and have no prospect of getting any at a reasonable price.