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Kava crash?


Kava Lover
Hey does anyone else notice a crash after kava? Like you get really tired and you would rather NOT move? I hate to compare kava to other stuff but the crash that I get feels strikingly similar to an mj crash. Is this because of kavas action on the cb1 receptor or something entirely different? Or perhaps it just differs from strain to strain maybe?


Kava Curious
yes-i get very tired as well. Although that's no different from when i used to pound booze drinks or do other drugs. But still it's annoying!


Kava Enthusiast
I dont really crash on it, although if I take too much over the course of an evening rather than all at once I tend to feel kind of gross.


Kava Enthusiast
If I have to do something after drinking some types of kava I better not lie down. I'll just fall asleep. I can't fight it.

As long as I'm doing something though I'm fine.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Nope. Not me. I get to a really relaxed, noodle-like state at most and then come out of it pretty level.