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Kava & Creativity

Hi Everybody!

I just found out about Kava and have done very little research and it seems like there are many different types and brands that offer various effects.  Could, someone, please suggest a particular product that would be good for me to start with as a 'beginner'.  I would mainly like to use it as a way to boost creativity (I'm a songwriter).  Does Kava actually help with that?

Also, I have heard that Kava is recommended for PMS/PMDD.  Do you have any suggestions for a particular type I could try?  I mainly deal with severe depression (apathy, no energy or motivation, restlessness, anti-social behavior) depending on where I am in my cycle when usually I'm a very happy, balanced person.  This also greatly affects my work and creativity. 

Thank you so much for all your help!!!!

Really looking forward to trying this!


Kava Enthusiast
kathy fan 2 is saying that tongan i believe is good for that.

kathy fan 2 wrote:

"All in all I do enjoy the effects. I love music/coloring/artsy stuff, and that is all much more enjoyable after drinking the kava. I'm thinking it's the Tongan kava, and if I want the "heady" and wobbly effects of kava then I should get some Chief's or Stone kava. Maybe once this stuff is done. "

hope that helps

i bet any kava is good for p.m.s. well, i'm a guy, and never had pms but its hard to be cranky when you're on kava.


Kava can be great for creativity, but in my experience, if you want to be doing something while the kava permeates through your mind, consume it while you are doing whatever that is. I find that if I'm cooking, and then I drink a few shells while I'm cooking, I want to continue cooking and doing anything related to cooking. Setting is key to the kava experience, personally. So, if you drink kava to open up new pathways in the mind, I would recommend drinking your kava while playing/writing your music or meditating. I was drinking a few shells of fiji waka from KBR while reading a book, I finished 137 pages that night, I could barely put it down. The "easy breathing" effect that kava is known for is largely responsible for these abnormal abilities IMO.

As for beginner kavas, I started off with Hawaiian kavas, which I think was a good idea as they're the sweetest kavas I've come across so far. I'm sure that if I started off with chiefs jungle or solomon, I would have said "lol no thanks" and walked away. So, from my personal experience I'd recommend a Hawaiian kava, such as paradise kava's mahakea (which is just awesome in taste and effects) or kona kava farm's mahakea (which is a generally weaker kava in both taste and effects). This is just me though, and you might have a totally different perspective once you get further into kava.

As for pms, not sure. Like starsofclay said, I'm a guy and have never experienced this but I have heard that it helps people in those times.


Kava Enthusiast
kava is A+ for pains, it's anti-inflammatory and a pretty good muscle relaxant. I'll assume it should ease some PMS symptoms. As for creativity, it won't match up against a psychedelic.


I'm not rcoz but I know that many compounds in the 2C family are still legal as research chemicals. I used to have a grand time with them while I was in school.

Of course, research chems aren't prepared for human consumption, so, naturally, I don't recommend going that route.

There is also salvia, of course, which is sill legal in many places. Do some digging online, plenty of "psychedelic" opportunities out there. Make sure to know your source as well as your self. You know, harm reduction stuff.

The psychedelic experience can also be induced without the use of drugs which, for this old psychonaut, seems like the only true way to go.

I wish dimethyltryptamine was legal, though.. it really ought to be.


Kava Curious
kavalover said:
I'm not rcoz but I know that many compounds in the 2C family are still legal as research chemicals. I used to have a grand time with them while I was in school.

Of course, research chems aren't prepared for human consumption, so, naturally, I don't recommend going that route.

There is also salvia, of course, which is sill legal in many places. Do some digging online, plenty of "psychedelic" opportunities out there. Make sure to know your source as well as your self. You know, harm reduction stuff.

The psychedelic experience can also be induced without the use of drugs which, for this old psychonaut, seems like the only true way to go.

I wish dimethyltryptamine was legal, though.. it really ought to be.
Great info Kavalover

Although freebase dmt is 'illegal', the many plants that contain the powerful compound are easily acquired (smiley: wink) It's so perplexing to me that our governments feel they can outlaw a substance already present in our own bodies. I ignore such stupidity. Such an incredible gift should be available to those who want to explore it. /Rant

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Aloha Irongirl,

A good friend was the biggest kava grower in the world about 15 years ago (Agrinom, for those of you who remember) and their company used to make kava tea bags specifically for PMS and menstrual cramps.
I cannot recommend this product since it's no longer in production although I do have a box of it from a LONG time ago, just as a souvenir.
However, I believe there is clinical research proving that kava does help with cramps. No idea on the creativity part, but it does help me sing better (as my voice deepens and relaxes)

I think it would work if you can get motivated after kava (smiley: wink)
Try our kava extract since it's not as heavy duty as ingesting a lot of beverage. May work out for you.