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Kava Dermopathy


Kava Enthusiast
never had it, just dry skin, especially the hands. I don't know if it's a coincident, but since taking b and c vitimins, and every so often 100-200 mgs of real nician (the flush kind), the dryness inst really there...


Kava Curious
Because it is considered an ichthyosiform eruption, it would closely resemble dry, scaly skin in patches, probably prevalent in or near creases of the skin, much like psoriasis. However, it is completely harmless and pretty harmless. All you have to do is stop/limit your kava intake for a while, and it should go away. As for how it feels, I wouldn't know, but I would speculate that it would probably itch and after all the itching, probably be a little uncomfortable. Nothing to worry about.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
It shows up first in the skin above my pisiform bone, and next in the webbing between my fingers. Never goes further than that, as far as I am aware.
There is an image in Nakamal@Home's Facebook photo album of kava dermopathy that formed under a band-aid.


Kava Curious
This is all pretty much the same sort of info available online but with more details so I appreciate it. I had an allergic reaction...not Dermopathy. My entire body broke out in an itchy rash and I wanted to know if I had developed the dermopathy. Ended up going to the doctor because I was miserable and had a scrip for prodnizone. What a mess! I had been drinking kava for three weeks with no adverse reactions and was really enjoying it. Then I tried the WOW! kava and the reaction happened.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Lots of people will tell you to take B vitamins, which is a good idea, but won't help specifically with the dermopathy. What does help is antihistamines, and staying hydrated. I almost never have dermopathy except a little on the base of my hands because I usually drink 1-2 gallons of water every day.


Kava Curious
I've had it a few times. Red, cracked, feels like a sunburn. Happens after too much kava too often. Shea butter helps.

Straining properly helps.


Kava Enthusiast
i've had a different reaction. felt like sunburn on various parts of my body, but no visible things like red, cracked skin. just felt like my back was sunburnt and a spot on my arm and my ribs... but no redness or anything. thought for sure it couldn't be from the kava but i stopped drinking it for a few days and it went away...


Kava Curious
Like Phil said, hydration is the key. I usually throw back a glass of water after each shell for this reason. The diuretic effect is even more extreme than alcohol in my experience. I need to pee twice as often drinking kava than when I'm having beers. Drinking water with my kava also rid me of those pesky headaches I was getting during a session.. hydration, hydration, hydration!


Kava Enthusiast
I wonder if I'm having a reaction to unstrained kava. It seems very similar to what some of you have written about - red puffy face that feels hot like a sunburn with itchy red stomach and back. Had some raised spots on stomach and back but they have gone down since taking the benadryl. It's very weird and I just want to figure out what's causing it. Nothing unusual in my diet lately except lots of strawberries, some fenugreek cheese, and unstrained (very finely ground so didn't bother) kava. I'm starting to think it's the kava because of the "sunburn" similarity. Didn't drink a lot either - about 20 oz. What do you all think?

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Yep, mixing powered kava with water and drinking it is most likely to cause it. I was drinking 3 heaping table spoons of HKC tudei every night and my skin was literally cracking open and bleeding. It was very miserable. The ole knead and squeeze method is less likely to cause this, but I can markedly tell when kava has taken its influence when my skin feels dry and my lips feel like I've been withering in the tropical sun for 12 hours. Ever since I was forced to quit HKC since they took their vacation I've really grown to like the traditional method. I've definitely developed a better grip in my right arm thanks to Kava. Granted it is more expensive to do it that way, but to me it's worth not feeling like my entire body was on fire.


Kava Enthusiast
Kapmcrunk said:
Yep, mixing powered kava with water and drinking it is most likely to cause it. I was drinking 3 heaping table spoons of HKC tudei every night and my skin was literally cracking open and bleeding. It was very miserable. The ole knead and squeeze method is less likely to cause this, but I can markedly tell when kava has taken its influence when my skin feels dry and my lips feel like I've been withering in the tropical sun for 12 hours. Ever since I was forced to quit HKC since they took their vacation I've really grown to like the traditional method. I've definitely developed a better grip in my right arm thanks to Kava. Granted it is more expensive to do it that way, but to me it's worth not feeling like my entire body was on fire.
Yeah, my first time not straining and it won't be an experience that I'm keen to repeat. Very weird - I've been drinking kava for a few years now and it never happened before. I do get itchy sometimes, though, as someone mentioned in a similar thread. Glad to get to the bottom of this.


Kava Enthusiast
This was my main beef with Fu or any micronized kava.  I've only been drinking kava for 8 months (darn near every night) but I've learned that straining and squeezing is an all important and not to be forgotten requirement.