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Member Soapbox Kava Diaries 001_5__4_2022


Kava Enthusiast
Hello! Titled kava diaries, this post has to do with recipe, intention, context, result, and feelings of the result of my kava brewing.

It has been half an hour since I drank kava. I had some last night, I woke in the night and had a shell and went back to bed an hour later. Not much of a reintroduction to kava after a month long break.

My recipe was that of a beginning: two heaping tablespoons, equal to near 30 grams dry root brewed with gloves and cloth strainer (thank you Kapm, that strainer indeed!) for five minutes then drank quickly. Brewed in 400ml water.

This is called a beginner because it is a recipe I may craft once more then drink tonight before I sleep if I feel like it.

Context is I have been outdoors and not eating much in the rain. I ate a boiled egg when arriving home.

Intention, to abstain from alcohol, and to feel satisfied, hydration wise as well as content mind and belly.

Result, got pretty strong relaxed feelings from this shell. A bit surprised at the strength, though I did brew nicely.

Feeling right where I want to on a night off, late, half between another shell's readiness and a night's sleep. Thankful I went through with this ritual. I would have drank a combination of light beer and moonshine if it were not for this.

Reason mentioned above is genuine and why I posted in this forum and not Health&Wellness or Off Topic. Sure, the kava made me feel better. It also made the final decision on whether or not to drink ethanol. Thankful enough for that.

Kava does a little more too. It does have interesting properties. The right amount of listening and telling, I feel. Malok all!


Kava Enthusiast
Bula! I enjoyed another brew of the same cultivar of kava, with equal amount, similar cold temperature and brewing and drinking time. Looks as though I spent an hour and fifteen minutes drinking 60 grams of kava, brewed in 800ml water, along with a bit of water too.

I definitely feel it now. I feel better emotionally while still responsible for my body and biological health. I have no trouble with staying warm or being too warm. I'm not shaky or slow. Happy belly.

No haste or delay with returning to the pot of peeing. Interesting for sure! Flowery,chalky flavor, texture of wax and sand. After I brew, I put away roots in greezer for later,
rinse strainer and hang to dry,
then mix kava and drink. spitting and rinsing the bowl and my mouth and throat with cold water after.

Excellent kava roots, thank you. I had my roots tonight, bed is next.