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Kava effectiveness


Kava Enthusiast
Hey guys, just curious if this happens to anyone else:
When I drink kava I get a completely different effect if I take a larger amount at once versus splitting it into smaller amounts spaced apart.
For example if I drink 5-6 ounces at once I can get a very strong effect but if I drink 2, 2, and 2 then I barely get any effect.
I had 3 ounces of a strong boroguru batch yesterday and got pretty wasted, but then 3 hours later I had 2 more and nothing happened. Then 2 more an hour later and barely any difference. Then 2 more when I went to bed and not much more.
So lately I've just been drinking a larger amount as the first drink.
Does this happen to anyone else?


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
This seems to happen to me a lot as well.  If I start off drinking a bowl fast, I tend to really feel it.  If I am doing the 2,2,2 as you mention, it is a little smoother for me.  I still feel it but it is not as intense.  The same phenomenon happens when I drink alcohol.  If I drink a beer fairly quickly it goes straight to my head and I get red.  If I keep drinking (sipping) I get "over the hump" and can drink for quite a while.

I actually prefer to sip for a longer period of time rather than go through the ups and downs per se


Pretentious, Wannabe Philosopher
I've noticed the same thing. Re-dosing kava can be disappointing; by the end of the day/session, additional shells are barely noticeable. I don't know if it is the same for you, but for me it seems that if I wait a few hours in between shells some of the first dose's magic returns, sometimes in full force.


Kava Enthusiast
I've also noticed that the last shells in a session don't seem to have much effect. I might have to try bombing two or three at once to start. Here's hoping I don't ruin the carpet.


Kava Curious
yeah, I also agree that later shells of kava amost always don't add any effects. I don't like it because I feel i've wasted kava. Just down all the shells at once like Ed said.


Kava Enthusiast
Agree - I get much bigger 'effect' if I just do a massive chug at the beginning.

This actually backfired on me when I tried NAH Stone for the first time - I took my normal 'dose' at the beginning.  WHOA.  Oh hell.  It hit like a tornado.  I think I just gave into it and went to bed - at 7:00pm!  :)


Kava Enthusiast
Ok cool, thanks guys. I thought I might be doing something wrong. Like rounder I feel like I wasted kava when that happens, but if I take too much at once the first time I get totally krunk. I guess I just need to find the right balance.

Sometimes if I have a couple different kinds of kava already made it seems to work if I take a different variety for the second or third dose. But also had strange effects doing that. For some reason mixing stone with n@h instant made the entire room spin for a couple hours, it wasn't fun.