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Kava Effects?


Kava Curious
I am curious what effects you have experienced (if any) with this Plant and what brand was responsible. The effects include

Anxiety Diminisher
Euphoria/Well Being/General Mood enhancement
Creativity with respect to art/music/ or analytical insight to a design concept such as an invention
Nootropic Cognitive Enhancement
I am hoping alot of posters here have already some experiences to share

Thanks for reading


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
For me...
Greatly diminished anxietyBetter insulated against certain kinds of stressLess likely to stay upset longer or get upset in generalShielded from other people's "energy" in close proximity (ie. very crowded places)Pain relief (ie after exercise or other strenuous activities)Very good night's sleep.
Most of the kava varieties that do this for me have been from PNG or Vanuatu.


Kava Curious
Vekta said:
For me...
Greatly diminished anxietyBetter insulated against certain kinds of stressLess likely to stay upset longer or get upset in generalShielded from other people's "energy" in close proximity (ie. very crowded places)Pain relief (ie after exercise or other strenuous activities)Very good night's sleep.
Most of the kava varieties that do this for me have been from PNG or Vanuatu.

Thanks for the feedback!