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Kava Euphoria

Krunked up Tong

Kava Enthusiast
I've been appreciating the heady effects from balanced kavas lately for the first time. For the first 45 mins or so, I get quite a bit of euphoria, and it's just lovely.

The problem is, it goes away a bit too quickly for my liking. If I drink a purely heady strain rather than a balanced strain, will this euphoria last for longer providing I keep shelling? Or is it the same with all kavas? With balanced the heavy kavalactones are kicking in a bit sooner than I would like.


Kava Curious
To a certain extent. It’s always going to have limiting returns. First shell hits hardest with the kavain, and from there additional effects build over time. You can keep it going with well spaced shells, but it’s not like every next one is like the first. I would say this applies To any substance I’ve had though.

Krunked up Tong

Kava Enthusiast
@Dylan Knable and @kw2292 have you drank just purely heady strains before? I'm yet to do that, so I don't know what the results would be, but do heavy kavalactones kick in with them as well after a while? Maybe we need to stick to heady strains.