Kava Lover
The reason I bring this up is because one of my cousins who is going to be visiting Xmas day is addicted to Xanax. He was prescribed it when he was a wee one for anxiety about his parents divorce and has been on them for like 4 or 5 years (he is 18 now). So I was thinking I may use the short time window to Introduce him to kava. Like maybe whip up a batch of instant in front of him and when he asks about I explain it and casually say that people use it as a replacement for things like ambien, Xanax, and anti depressants and such. And the. Make him some but with double the amount (reverse tolerance). So has anyone here had any experience with kava and a Xanax problem? I really want to be able to help this guy but I don't know if kava will help settle his cravings. Any input or experience will be greatly appreciated from all you kavasseurs