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Kava from different countries


Kava Enthusiast
Forgive me if this has been discussed elsewhere on the forum. I looked but didn't see anything. I'm wondering if there's a standard "feel" to kavas from different countries. I know there's bound to be diversity and variation even within one strain, but I have read that Hawaiian kava tends to be high in kavain content, where a Fijian waka is much higher is the DHM content. Can the same types of generalities be made for kavas from Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu, etc? Can it be said that a certain country's kava varieties have a common "feel" to them and, if so, can anyone expand on this? Thanks!


Is there death before life?
Ive personaly found that Vanuatu Kava has alot of Kavian.

That being said, Ive found Kava from Vanuatu is the BEST!!!!!


Kava Enthusiast
Thanks for the reply, Endwatcher. You also answered the question that I had forgotten to ask which is, "Do you prefer kava from a specific country? If so, from where and why?" I think it'd be cool to have a general reference about how kavas from certain countries differ from each other. Thanks again!


Is there death before life?
I like the higher Kavians VS the others because of the euphoria and general Anxiolytic/ getting stuff done type of feeling it gives me.

The ones would be prefered if I was looking for more of a muscle relaxation, those are the ones that tend to make me feel groggy and out of it


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I don't know how to describe it...

But I like kava that gives me the feeling of having a very strong nearly impenetrable "shield" around me. Isa kava from KBR comes close to that ideal. Sometimes I'm just looking for that kind of feeling. I don't really get the groggy feelings just...safe...is the best word I can think of.