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Kava ice cream! (Patent pending:-) )

Capitán Bastos

I am announcing my next kava project. Kava ice cream!
Not sure if I will go for parfait or gelato first. Have anyone of you ever tried making or eating kava ice cream? As for flavor, I'll not fuzz around too much the first time around. I figure I'll just use honey and kava.

Cooking is one of my greatest passions. It's also a form of therapy for me.

Wouldn't it be great to have a scoop or two of kava ice cream on a hot summer's day to melt your worries away?

I will update this thread with pictures and all.

The ideal concentration would be to make one scoop - one shell ratio, I think.

What do you guys think?
Any comments/suggestions?

Capitán Bastos

Of course there's two more options:
Granité or sorbet. I just have a feeling that a more rich and creamy texture will be more pleasant with the kava. I'm not sure how the kava will effect the cream though. If I can't whip the cream, I can't make parfait. I guess instant or extractions would be the easiest way to go, but I only have powdered so I would need to make a highly concentrated thick kava and probably fold it in to the cream.

A granité is comparable to a firm slush, that would probably be the easiest one. Heat will be an issue though seeing as the process usually involves adding flavor to sugar melted in water.

I'll make a go with powdered first.
If any vendors (or anyone else) wants me to try using instants, pm me for address and send me a sample. My kava budget for a while, is spent. I'll make 0,5-1litre batches.

@Global Kava Exports @Paradise Kava @Kalm with Kava @Gourmet Hawaiian Kava


Kava Lover
Soft serve wouldn't require heat and you use powdered milk already so a good, finely ground micro might be easy to sneak in.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Sounds like I'll be eating 4-5 scoops of ice cream every night

j/k I might have one scoop after my usual shells, if the milk/fat seemed to kick it up a n0tch.


Kava Curious
Oh, this is very tempting to try to experiment with! I have a gelato machine at home that could use a little workout this weekend. I'm thinking the instant I have from BKH might work really well with this as it has a very fresh, "green" flavor to me, almost like green tea and I love green tea ice cream...hmm...


Capitán Bastos

Soft serve wouldn't require heat and you use powdered milk already so a good, finely ground micro might be easy to sneak in.
Parfait doesn't require heat either. I'm Just not sure if I can whip the cream after introducing the kava to it. Not sure if I can't either.
I'll start my experiments next week.
The idea of an ice cream that also numbs the mouth and help you relax is appealing to me.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Hahaha this guy said he is short on kava funds let alone equipment money ;) ... that is bad ass tho
I'll tell you what, innovating with kava can be massively expensive. Just my experiment at home making instant cost quite a few gs just to see if it worked. It worked...just took too long and I'm known for really appreciating my couch.


Official Kava Muppet
I toyed with the idea of kava bbq sauce, as I thought the peppery earthiness of the kava would go well with ribs and cause twice the "itis" but then the appetite suppression thing came to mind and I realized I wouldn't sell as much bbq. Kalm with kava concentrate was proposed at that time too. If you did the right vanilla flavor with a super concentraded squeeze, and mixed in mint / chocolate chips, I would think you'd have a great success. The down side would be how would you distribute it? If you were able to make a dry mix that folks could do in their home ice cream makers though, you might have something. I'd suggest you try kava king's vanilla shake with a bit of chocolate added first though or perhapse use that as a base.

Bubba Bula

krunkadelic relic
Kava ice cream is a great idea. The coldness of the kava would help numb the taste buds making the kava a little more palatable. If I may make a suggestion: Chocolate and grape flavorings are commonly used in the food industry to mask flavors, I would recommend one of those flavors for your frozen kava treat.

Capitán Bastos

Oh, this is very tempting to try to experiment with! I have a gelato machine at home that could use a little workout this weekend. I'm thinking the instant I have from BKH might work really well with this as it has a very fresh, "green" flavor to me, almost like green tea and I love green tea ice cream...hmm...

Props on the machine! Looking good.