I took some paradise extract in with me, and declared it at customs. They must have thought I was crazy. After struggling to understand what it is, we settled on "relaxing chocolate" and off I went. I think if there were notable restrictions on kava the name would have rung alarm bells for him. HK customs got back to me this this info, which isn't all too heelpful but I appreciate it anyway:
Importation / exportation of any prohibited / controlled items into or out of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) is governed by laws. The
commonly found prohibited / controlled items are dangerous drugs, psychotropic substances, controlled chemicals, antibiotics, arms, ammunition, plants and endangered species etc. Passengers are liable to prosecution if these items are brought into / out of HKSAR without a valid licence or permit. These items will also be seized and confiscated.Under
the Plant (Importation and Pest Control) Ordinance, Chapter 207, Laws of Hong Kong, it is illegal to import plants, plant pests or soil into Hong Kong without a valid licence / authorization issued in advance by
the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. However, the import of plants produced in the Mainland of China is exempted from licensing requirement. For more information on the import of plants, you may visit the website at
http://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/quarantine/qua_plants/qua_plants_pq/qua_plants_pq_ppq/qua_plants_pq_ppq.htmlFor enquiries in respect of plant import and export, you may contact Plant and Pesticides Regulatory Division at (852) 2150 7000 (Office hours) or (852) 2708 8885 (24 hours Interactive Telephone Enquiry).
Your sincerely,
for Commissioner of Customs and Excise